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"Wow dad, you're new place is beautiful..." I gasped, bringing my hand to cover my mouth in surprise. It was a huge house, really. White, chipped paint covered the walls, but I'm sure dad will paint over it in time. The walls were perfect rectangles, except the corner walls curved a bit to lead into another room. The ceiling formed a pyramid look, crowning into one fine point. There was a large wood staircase in the middle of the front room that spiralled up into the next level of the house.

"You..." I was at a loss for words. "How could you afford this on a substitute teachers salary?" I wondered out loud, and my dad shrugged and smiled. My father used to be a marriage counsellor, but after he got divorced the company threw him out, so he became a substitute teacher. It was the only thing on the market that he was interested in.

"I pulled a few strings with Jessica.." I frowned at the mention of her name. I don't like her. She's helping my dad find a new place, away from my mom and I don't think I'm ready to accept the fact they're getting divorced after all this time. As much as I hate my mother because of what she did to me, I don't like hearing her cry at night.

"Speaking of Jess.." The pet name he gave her was more then enough for my frown to transform into a scowl. "Her and I are a couple now." The words tumbled out of my fathers mouth faster then you can say 'fuck'. I was definitely at a loss for words. Of all places, out of all the times he could've told me, he chose now? Here?


"Well chanel, you didn't expect me to be alone forever, did you?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No, but I didn't expect you to date so soon, either." I snapped, and walked into an almost completely empty room, which I'm assuming is the kitchen because the only appliance in there is a run down looking stove.

"Listen," my dad sighed, walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around me in a protective manner. "I'm just as upset as you are about this divorce. I really am! But Jessica and I have been putting our feelings aside for a long while now, and we thought that this would be the best time to deal with it."

"So that's the only reason you and mom got divorced then?" I pushed. I know the actual reason, dad can cut the bullshit. My father hesitated for a second before replying with, "I think your asking the wrong person. I won't be able to answer the way you want me too."

"Can you just... Take me home?" I pleaded. I need to get out of here. This place is making me go insane.

"Sure." My dad mumbled, getting his keys from the small table at the front, and leading me outside to his car.



"Can we just talk about this?" Harry yelled from the other side of the door. I locked it, and he should take the hint that I want to be alone.

"I'm sorry I blew up at you! I know it's hard to tell someone how you feel. Please just let me in so we can talk?" Harry begged, banging on the door as he spoke. I heard a long deep sigh, and then silence.

"I don't think he's going to open the door. We did everything we tried." I heard harry tell one of the boys.

"Let me try something..." Zayn demanded, and I heard another knock at my door. Rolling my eyes, I shouted "what?"

"We just need to talk to you. Whether it's me in there with you, or harry, someone needs to do it. Now, open up!" Zayn yelled. I pursed my lips and got off my bed, opening up the door.

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