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"Thanks, Evangeline! Ill see you next week." I smiled, and waved at my therapist. She returned the smile.

"No problem, sweetie.-" she waved it off.

"-Have fun at school tomorrow, and don't forget; do not let the bullies get you down. When they bring you down, shake it off, and stand right back up, show them who not to mess with." Evangeline suggested. I sighed, and nodded my head. It's not that fucking easy, but I guess I have to listen, don't I? Otherwise these lessons are fucking pointless.





"So, let me get this straight... she dumped you... Not the other way around... And you lied to make yourself feel better?" Harry asked, and Zayn nodded. He's almost fully sober now, we gave him a lot of tylenol and water.

"Let me get another thing straight...-" I started, crossing my arms across my chest.

"-she had sex with another guy, and then broke up with you?" I asked, angrily, and Zayn nodded, looking frustrated and confused.



Yup, here's me just casually strolling into Louis' house. I'm such a rebel, and also, he left the door unlocked, with a note under the mat saying, 'come in Chanel' so, I took that as a 'go inside'.

"Hey, I'm here, what's the 'big emergency' you just had to text me about?" I asked, as I strolled into the living room, where I saw an upset Zayn, and a very angry and confused harry and Louis. Why did he text me, and go through the trouble of writing a note?

"What... Happened?" I regretted asking. Zayn started crying uncontrollably, and I rushed over to him to hold him in my arms, and we stayed like that for a while, whilst he soaked his tears into the fabric on my shoulder.

"Perrie cheated on him.. So, of course, they broke up." Harry spoke slowly, but come on... What else is new, harry always speaks slowl... Wait.. whAT? SHE FUCKING CHEATED ON HIM?

This is making me wonder if relationships are the way to go... First liam, then Zayn? What the fuck?

Liam then walked in the door, and we explained to him what happened, until he got a call.

"Hello? Okay, well it's our well deserved vacation.... Alright, fine. Tomorrow? Alright, we will be there." Liam sighed, and turned to us.

"Tomorrow we have to go to a red carpet award show thing, apparently it is really important, and it's a requirement to go.. Whatever. Blah, blah, blah, long story short, Chanel has to go to as Harry's 'date'." He sighed again. I shook my head. I scheduled to go to coffee tomorrow with Evangeline to work on 'how to handle my stress'. Whatever.

"I can't."

"And, why not?"

"I made plans..."

"Come on, we really need you there..." Harry pleaded, and I sighed. I guess ditching one session won't kill anyone.




god damn fuck, asshole, shit, bitch.... I thought of all the cusswords I could manage.

why the fuck does chanel have to come? my heart is doing flips, and I cant seem to speak coherent sentences to anyone. I haven't felt this way since I first met Eleanor... no... I cant think about that. I cant think about loving anyone else. its wrong. its stupid of me to think I could. everyone left, and I called Eleanor to come over to spend more time with me. I know harry has none of those feelings towards chanel, but it hurts me to know they are 'happily dating'. wait... why do I care? my mind Is playing tricks on me, seeing how far it can push me until I crack.

Stupid mind.

I will not crack because I don't love Chanel! Woah... Where did that come from...? Anyways, I just can't believe that-

A knock at the door cut me out of my thoughts.



'Don't do it... Don't do it... You are one week clean, don't do it...' My subconscious demanded me, while I stared at the knife in my bathroom. It's making me weak, it's making me feel vulnerable.

I need it.

'No you don't!" My subconscious added, but I pushed her aside. I can't think about what's wrong and what's right at the moment.

I walked over to the knife and held it in my hands. It wasn't too long before I sucked in a breath, and carved along line across my wrist. It feels like forever since I've done that.

"Chanel!?" A voice came from downstairs. My mother? I haven't seen her in three days, my father and her were in a massive argument so I ran out of the house. They seem to be doing that a lot lately. Fighting, that is.

On the bright side, I did not have one of those dreams last night, so there's progress right there! I think...

"I'm upstairs, ill be down in a minute." I called out, and I heard a grunt come from downstairs. Honestly, where has she been?

I thumped down the stairs, and walked to my mother waiting impatiently in the living room, sitting on the couch, very stiff.

"Chanel, sit down." She ordered. I did as I was told, and sat across from her.

"Chanel, your fath-" she started, but my dad burst through the door.

"Judy! Don't tell her anything!" He yelled, and my mother fled the area once again, crying into her hands. What. Just. Happened??



"Hey Eleanor." I smiled, as I kissed my girlfriend on the lips, and walked with her into my house.

"Where are the boys?"

"They left a while ago."

"Oh..." She looked around the room, desperately trying to look for a distraction.

It's never been this awkward with her.

"I'm hungry." She stated. But, why doesn't she get up and make herself something? She can be so selfish sometimes.

Did I really just think that?

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"A sandwich? I have to keep a figure..." She said in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes, and got up from my spot of the couch, ready to make her a sandwich. Whatever.



Okay, my parents just freaked me out. What happened? I'm taking a little stroll at the moment, trying to clear my head. What was she trying to get out? Is she pregnant? No... She can't be, she isn't fat. Woah, that was insensitive.

On a new topic, I've been avoiding jake and Emily and the stupid fucks lately, and I'm really proud of myself-

"Hey there, babe." A voice calmly spoke from behind me. I shook in fear. Jake. Fuck, I spoke too soon...

"Please leave, or I will actually call the police." I threatened, and he laughed, being the jerk he is.

"I don't care... Listen, we should just go and fuck somewhere." He said, kissing my neck from behind and I shivered. Is he fucking drunk?

He better not be, or ill throw a ninja star at his fucking face.

"I'd think... No." I stated the obvious, walking swiftly away. He caught up behind me, squeezing my ass. I screeched.

"Come on, you looked so sexy in that video..." He explained, as I cringed at the memory. I have to remember to kill Christian. Should I call one of the boys right now? My mom? My dad? Anyone? I pulled out my phone, running away from jake. Why can't he leave me alone?!

He caught up to me just as I dialled Niall's number, and pressed talk. My phone dropped to the ground, as did I, and I could still hear the faint ringing, and the "hello?" From Niall as I blacked out.

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