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i  cant seriously be thinking about this again... have i gone completely insane?!  yes, my subconcious answered, and i rolled my eyes. my parents were fighting downstairs, and honestly, I don't even give a shit. everything is happening too fast, and I don't know how to control it. my life is getting worse before it will get better... and I'm starting to lose hope, that I will have a happy ending. I've been getting tormented for as long as I can remember, and the only way out is death. that's how I see it. why was I born?

here I am, on my bed.. thinking about suicide.

I need to stop, I need to pick up the phone and call somebody, before this gets too out of hand. I took my phone out of my back pocket, and the battery was completely gone. this is a sign, isn't it? the universe doesn't want me here. I should just le-

"Chanel, come down here." my dad yelled from downstairs, and I momentarily forgot about my problems, as I walked down the hardwood staircase. I reached the living room, where my parents were sitting on the two piece couch, staring at each other in pure hatred.

"first things first, have you been going to your therapist regularly?" my mom asked me, and I replied by nodding my head.

"okay, " the aging man in front of me sighed, and I leaned against the door frame.

"your mother and I..." he continued, stretching out his shirt collar for more air. my mom noticed his struggle for words, and decided to finish his sentence.

"were not happy together."

I choked on air, as I realized what was happening. my parents stared at me in shock, as I walked closer to them, and sat on the couch opposite of them.

"what happened?" I whispered, not wanting to know the cause of this. I want my old, loving parents back... not these strangers. they're supposed to tell me everything is going to be okay, they're supposed to be the reason I still want to live, they're supposed to be there for me, and now everything is crumbling at my feet faster than the speed of light...

all the while saying what she was saying, my mother stared at me, her face full of regret.

"I had an affair a while back.. and it was with your fathers best friend, mark."

I swallowed my anger, and rage. mark was my fathers friend from work, and were inseparable for some reason. I looked at my mother in pure hatred and disgust.

"I just want you to know, I have been unhappy for the longest time with your father." she cried, and my father rolled his eyes.

"that doesn't make it okay!" I yelled, pointing a finger at my mother.

"were getting a divorce." was all I heard, before I ran out of the house, into my car, and drove off.

[a/n: hey! sorry for the short chapter, but I just wanted to make this Chanel's part. next chapter will be small too, because it will be Louis' part, but it will be back to normal after that :) thanks for reading this, lovelies! <3]

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