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*just so you know: there will be multiple POVS in this chapter. Not just Chanel's and Louis' :)*

I started towards the living room, until I heard shouting from there. I hid behind the entrance, and listened in.

"you know that's not fair!" My mother shouted. I imagined her pointing her finger at my dad, and trembling. I hate shouting.

"Don't you dare fucking talk to me about fair, Judy. Don't you fucking dare." My dad seethed, his voice raising with every word. Holy shit, I can't hear this.

"You can't tell her why were getting divorced. You fucking can't." My mother pleaded, and I heard a chair scrape across the floor.

"And why the hell not?! I'm going to do it one way or another, with or without you. Chanel has a right to know." I could hear the venom in my fathers voice. What did mom do?

"You're such an asshole..." I heard her whisper.

"I'm the asshole?" I heard my dad scream, and another chair was heard. The only difference was this one was dropped, and I imagined them up in each other's faces. I don't want to listen, but I'm trying to find out what mom did. She told me before. She had an affair. I knew that! But, was she lying? Is that not really what happened?

What could be worse than an affair, that she had to hide this from me?

"Please... Don't tell her." I heard my mom cry. I hate that sound, although I can't shake this feeling that... She deserves it?

"Fuck, Judy! You were the one who paid that man too sleep with our daughter, good thing they didn't do too much. You were the fucking one, who gave that fuck the idea, in the first place. You ripped up all our letters to the principle, and for what, exactly? You gave our only child's number out to the people who harass her at school. Shall I go on!?"

All the air I had in me, suddenly wasn't there. My lungs were failing on me, and the room was spinning. She... She paid Christian too do that to me?

Is that why random people always texted me hurtful things? Is that why mom forgave me so quickly after Christian and I? Is that why nothing stopped at school? Mr. Chen never got the letters. My own mother did this to me.

"What do you want me to do, Jeff? Do you want me to apologize to her? Because I was already going to do that when I thought she was ready!" My mom screamed. Does she deserve that title? Mom. Doesn't seem like it now. I finally understand what heart break feels like... I don't think i like it. Hot. Tears trailed down my cheeks, and I kept quiet, listening to their conversation.

"I want you too tell me why you did that to her." Yes, mom. ... Judy. Why did she do that?

"I don't know why I did it..." My mom whispered. That little bitch....

You can't trust anyone in this world...
My subconscious informed me. This time, I listened to her. I finally believe her. I finally understand her. Everyone eventually leaves you.

I think it's time to go in. I just have to pretend I heard nothing. I wiped my eyes, and put on my best smile. It's time to act like you love her.

"Hi." I smiled at the two of them. My mom froze, and my dad crossed his arms.

"I'm just going to go upstairs okay? Oh, and the date was amazing. Kian is so sweet." I smiled. That part was true.

"I love you." That part wasn't.

I sat on my bed, and dialled Louis' number, sobbing. He didn't pick up the two times i called him, so I called zayn. I need some comfort, and he is the only one who I can call who has been through something this horrible. When perrie cheated on him.


"Alright, I think that's enough drinks for tonight. I'm just going up too the counter to pay," I informed the boys. Liam got a call from this girl called Sophia, who he had known before.. Or something, and went out with her, so I have to be the sober driver.

Harry and Niall laughed, and Louis stared at the drink in his hand. At least he is smiling a little. He's been upset since that call from Chanel.

She just had to be on a date tonight. Louis' phone rang again. It's been lighting up for the past two minutes, and he hasn't noticed it. A minute after, my phone rang, and I sighed, walking outside to pick it up.

"Hello?" I asked, waiting for a reply.

"Zeabynn..." I couldn't understand if someone was saying my name, or if this was a fan freaking out.

"Hello?" I asked again. They said the same thing, except I heard a sob, and a sniffle.

"Who is this?" I asked. I'm kind of freaked about this.

"Cgahnel..." The mystery girl sobbed, and I sighed.

"Name again, babe?" I heard a soft sigh, the person probably trying to calm down.

"It's Chanel..." She said. Shit,

"Are you crying?" I asked. That was a stupid question; of course she is.

"Yes." She sobbed. If that damned date of hers even laid a finger on her, I'll rip is head off.

"What happened?" I cooed into the phone.

"Louis didn't pick up, and you were my only option... Can you come to my house?" Her soft voice was enough to make me go. I just had to drop the boys off at home.

"If you do, just climb up my window. There is a vine ladder up there, so it won't be hard. I just don't want my parents to be suspicious." She whispered. I agreed and went inside the club to pay for the drinks, and take the boys home.



I heard a soft knock at my window, and I opened it to reveal Zayn. I tightly hugged him, and we both sat at the end of my bed. I told him about all that my mom did, and about the divorce. I wasn't sure if he knew or not.

"This is sick... Your own mother..." Zayn spat, rubbing my back.

"Are you okay?" Zayn wondered, and I shook my head.

"I'm falling apart." I whispered. Zayn looked at me puzzled, and I decided to elaborate.

"I feel like I'm already broken, actually. I mean, I know I wasn't always this broken... But I can't remember a time when I wasn't." I looked into Zayns eyes, and his were set on the floor.

"I want you to know that I care about you. We all do..." He said, staring Into my eyes. I nodded. I'm just their charity case. I don't want him to know I think this way, though.

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