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the school bell rang, and I had just a little bit of time to get to my first class. on my way to English, I passed people in the halls who were scowling at me, and shoving me. I was clueless as to what was happening, frowning every time someone looked at me. I reached my class, (finally) to hear nothing but a pin drop as I walked in. all eyes were on me. 


"did you know she broke up with harry styles?"

"what? why?"

"I don't know, but I heard it was because she was cheating on him.."

"what an asshole! I always knew she was a slut.."

"no, retards. it was because they weren't compatible, and he forgot where they first met or something. but yeah, she's a whore."

whispers and scowls, and the occasional 'fuck you' finger was all aimed at me, as i took a seat in my desk, and shrank so i can think without people judging me. even the supply teacher is being a bitch... given that she is a young woman who could possibly be a one direction fan. but, wow... what a bitch.

i cant exactly tell everyone that it was a fake date situation,  because that would only sound really stupid, and make the band look bad.

"you, in the back... pay attention." the teacher snapped at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"gosh fraiser, stop disrupting the class." emily smiled fakely towards me, and turned back to face the board.

"as i was saying, harper lee was a very famous writer back in the 1960's. can anyone tell me which book she has written?"

i raised my hand, but her eyes scanned for everyone but me.

"anyone?" she hummed. the supply teacher, miss butler sighed, and continued.

"okay, so she wrote the book to kill a mocking bird, which some of you may have read back in grade nine. well, we are re-reading it this year, all for good reasons. one, to refresh your memory on the rules of segregation, and what it was like to live in the 1930's, and two, because its a good freaking book." she tried to humor us, and i have to admit, the way she said it was pretty funny... so i laughed a bit.

"excuse me.. do you want to share something with the class?" miss butler put her hands on her hips.

i shook my head, and put my hand over my mouth. why is she being such a bitch? whatever, next period i get study hall, and in less than a month i get to say, hello summer and goodbye hell. 

"im going to get a voleenteer to come up. i will hand him or her copies of the book, and they will hand it out. 

i raised my hand, and of course i didnt get picked, so she chose jake. ass hole. well, at least christian isnt here today. 

"whats her name, over there?" miss butler asked jake, and he told her.

"great, make sure she gets a copy last."

 i sighed. this is why the only teacher i will ever like, is my geography teacher, mr. kaplan.


well, i survived two whole periods of pure agony. in study hall, i was in the library minding my own fucking business, and people kept on throwing paper at me, and pencils and erasers, and anything they can get their fucking hands on. 

well, now its lunch, and im eating alone. again. i pulled out my phone, and called my dad.

"dad, can i come home?" i asked, pulling the phone away from my ear so i could let out a muffled cry.

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