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Kian and I decided to watch a movie at my house. I still wasn't as comfortable with him after he scared me half to death. After waiting an hour for him to get here, and half an hour to pick a show, we settled on 'eye for an eye'.

It's an old movie about a psychotic man, (Keifer Sutherland) who murders a seventeen year old girl, and the girls mom tries to kill the murderer. We were at a really scary part, where Keifer's character was looking for the mom too try and kill her.

"I can't watch this anymore." I complained, blocking my face from the television, by nuzzling it in the crane of Kian's neck.

"You get scared easily?" He laughed, pressing the 'off' button on the remote. I nodded, and he proceeded to chuckle. His chuckling soon died down, and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to mention the knife in his bathroom drawer. He has nothing to hide, right?



"When i slept over last night... I couldn't sleep, so I went over to your bathroom... And I looked through your drawers and," I was frantic in my speech, wanting to get this over with. When he cut me off, all that was running through my head was scenarios on how he was going to react.

"You went through my drawers?" His voice raised in volume, and he turned his body so he was facing me. I gulped. It's times like these that you wish your backstabbing mother didn't go out for groceries, and your father wasn't out looking for houses with his real-estate saleswoman.

"Yeah." I answered timidly.

"Why the fuck were you in my drawers?"

"I was looking for toothpaste..." I lied. I can't have anyone know I cut.

"What did you find?" His voice softened, as he stared directly into my eyes.

"I found a knife, and I was wondering why it was in there." I said that a little calmer then I intended too.

"You found a knife..." He chuckled, repeating it slowly. My heart was racing, as if there was a swarm of butterflies attacking it. Or, as if ten racing cars were ramming into it all at once.

All of a sudden, he swiftly moved his hand to my cheek. Next thing I know, my cheek is aching and tingling. I held onto my cheek, tears rushing to my eyes.

"Lesson one: you do not rummage your filthy hands through my stuff. Got it?" He quizzed. I timidly nodded, looking away. I've never been in a real relationship, but I don't think that's supposed to happen.

"And keep this in mind; if you tell anyone what I just did to you... You won't like me as much." He whispered in my ear, and I shuddered.

The front door then swung open, and I turned away from it, knowing there is a red mark across it, and not wanting my mom to find out. I know id face the consequences if she found out. He just told me.

"Hello kids. I'm just going to put the groceries away, anyone want dinner?" My mom offered. I mumbled a 'yes', while kian actually said it. What is happening? Where's my sweet, caring boyfriend?



"Here is your room key, I hope you enjoy your stay." A cheery woman behind the hotel check in counter welcomed us, and we nodded in reply, smiling back.

"It's room 513 boys, fifth floor."

We hit the fifth floor button in the elevator, and waited to step off of it.

"I'm going to miss Chanel." I mumbled. Harry snickered a bit.

"What's so funny?"

"You obviously like her dude." He replied.

"No I don't." I rebutted. Niall scoffed, and the elevator stopped at the correct destination. We stepped off it, and looked for room 513. When we finally reached it, and stepped inside we found rooms and called it a night. We were tired, and we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.



"Thank you for letting me stay, mrs. Fraiser." Kian smiled. I folded my arms across my chest uncomfortably. My mom and I were crowding kian at the front door. He finally finished putting his shoes on.

"Oh, call me Judy." My mom chuckled.

"You make me feel old, calling me mrs. Fraiser."

"Sorry Judy." Kian chuckled.

"Bye kian. See you soon." I finally spoke up, and he smiled at me.

"I'm going to go to my room now. Nice meeting you kian!" My mom cheered, and I silently prayed she would stay with me.

"Come here." Kian grunted, forcefully pushing the back of my my head towards him, and he roughly kissed me.




When I finally went to bed, I couldn't help but wonder if I deserved any of that. If I deserve to be in a relationship like this.


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