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"Bloody hell!" Niall laughed, as he lost yet another FIFA game too me.

"You should just quit while you're at it, I'm the best of the best." I gloated, and Niall laughed again. That boy is always laughing. You can hear him coming before you can even see him.

"Boys, boys..." Simon came in, and I paused the new game we had just started.

"Where is the rest of the idiots?" Simon laughed, and Niall and I shrugged.

"Last we saw, they were starting a food fight in the cafeteria." Niall said, and I playfully dropped my head in shame.

"It's a shame, really." I sighed.

"Yeah, poor, wasted... food." Niall pouted. I rolled my eyes, and looked to the opening door, seeing security guards bringing in Liam, harry and Zayn.

"What happened now?" Simon sighed, massaging his forehead. The boys kept smiling, and high- fiving each other.

"Today,-" started harry.

"I wore mashed potatoes..." He joked, putting his free hand over his heart. I laughed quietly.

"This day will go down in the history books..." Zayn joked, in the funniest voice he could pull off. Even Simon slightly smiled.

"No... These three boys were caught in the freezer eating all our icecream, after the ridiculous food fight, of course." One of the security guards complained, glancing at them. I couldn't contain my laughter for much longer.

"Ill keep them in line for now, thanks." Simon agreed, and the security guards left.

"It won't happen... Again." Harry laughed. Simon sighed.


"It was just for fun, uncle Simon." Liam protested, and Simon nodded, but kept a firm look on his face.

"I came here too tell you guys that I booked a few schools around the area, that you will be teaching kids about 'bullying awareness.'" Simon said, using air gestures to prove his point. We looked at eachother and shrugged.

"I guess we could do that." Zayn shrugged.

"Sounds like fun." I agreed.

"You guys will need to do a video each, that's how we're going to do it instead of talking." He informed us. This doesn't make sense at all.

"Than what's the point of us being there?" Harry wondered out loud.

"You'll be talking afterwards, the video is just too cover up most of it." Simon reassured us. I nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Liam agreed.

"We start tomorrow?" Simon asked, trying to work around our schedule. We nodded, and Simon left with a nod.



We all gathered for an assembly. One that we were all told was 'more important than the average teenagers life'. Okay.?

"Thank you all for coming, we have a special announcement! Who has heard of the famous boyband, the wanted?" Mr. Chartres, the vice principle asked. Everyone shot up their hand, most uttering incoherent words from

Under there breath.

"Well, their not coming-" cheering was heard.

"-as I was saying... One direction will be coming instead..." Everyone clapped, and a lot of people whistled. It seems too good too be true. Should I trust it? They're famous, why would they come to this school, out of all the schools in the world.

"Oh my gosh!-" a girl named Alicia squealed too Danielle, her friend.

"I know!" Danielle squealed.

"My favorite is zack." Alicia said, and nodded her head up and down.

"God, it's Zayn, you're such a carrot." Danielle spoke up. I decided too step in, because really... When do I keep my mouth shut?

"What the fuck is wrong with you two? One, carrot? Really? And two, zack? You're obviously a fake fan, get a fucking life." I spat. It feels good to get back at your bullies..

"Shut up, worthless whore." Danielle rolled her eyes, and smacked her gum around. I'm just going to let that one slide... I don't need another reason for my parents too get mad at me for.

"Anyways...-" mr. Chartres continued.

"-I want you too be on your best behaviour. This means, no screaming, no hoarse behaviour, no trying to touch them, no crying, no nothing. You will sit respectively when they arrive, because they will be coming for bullying awareness. As a division, we kind of need that."

Kind of? We definitely need that. Mr. Chartres looked at all of us cluelessly.

"Okay, all of you are dismissed! Gosh." Okay, he doesn't have the best temper..

I'm not going to get excited until it actually happens, because... This is too good to be true.

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