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I grabbed the last water bottle from the fridge, and took a long sip, taking all the bottle in one gulp. I'm alone in my apartment (I was too lazy to get an actual house...) and I'm having fun being alone.. In the most non creepiest way possible. I promise.

I walked to the bathroom, and.. Did my 'business'... What? Niall's have to do that too, sometimes.

My phone buzzed in my pants pocket, and I pressed talk, as a loud crash rang throughout the speaker.

I heard a soft "fuck" come from someone I can't quite put my finger on... Who is this guy, and why does the caller ID say Chanel? Well, obviously Chanel called me, but it isn't her..

"Well, looks like I've got to take you home now.." I heard the same voice beam, and i cringed. This can't be good, and I can't do anything because I'm on the fucking toilet.

I texted harry.

To, harry:

*yo, go to help chanel, I got dialed somehow, nd she needs help but I'm on de toilet.* I sent.

I wish I could do more, you know, cause she is my friend, but really, what can you do when your bottom half is naked, besides scare people.

I got a text back moments later.

From, harry:

*how am I supposed to know where she is?!!? What's happening? Where is she? Is she okay? Should I call Louis? What's going on?* i rolled my eyes, this is a serious thing and he picks now to be absolutely annoying.

To, harry:

*I'm calling u, douchedick.* I joked, and dialled his number.


"Dude! I don't know where she is! Call her cell and see who picks up." I stated the obvious, and I heard harry sigh. I can picture him running his hand through his hair in frustration. Why are we assuming the worst? This could just be some misunderstanding... I mean, that could have been another girl named Chanel, right?

"Fine, whatever. Ill look around the area of where her house is." He said, and hung up. How rude.



What. The. Fu- hell...

Where could Chanel be? I've been driving around the block for an hour, (in my disguise, of course. I'm wearing a dress and a wig... I have to stay unnoticed, according to Lou. And that's the outfit she chose. Ugh.) I guess I just have to ask people if they've seen her.

I got out of my car, and saw a girl on a bench with who i can only assume is her boyfriend.

"Excuse me.." I said, in my best American, girlie voice. I hate Lou at the moment.

"Yes?" The girl said politely, and I got ready to speak, when the boy winked at me. I silently laughed, and asked the question.

"Have you seen a girl named Chanel Fraiser?"

"Yeah, she left with a guy named jake earlier. He was nice enough to carry her, after we saw her pass out on the sidewalk. We offered to help but, he insisted on taking her. He is such a sweet guy, right Daniel?" The girl asked, turning to Daniel. He nodded.

"Right, Jess." He said, staring at my face.

"You look oddly familiar..."

"I have to run, but, ill see you around?" I asked, running to my car. Shit. I didn't figure out where jake lives. Since when did this turn into a criminal minds episode?

Why does everyone in this town know each other? It's weird, but helpful.

"Hey, do you know where jake Williams lives?" I asked a random teenager on the sidewalk, slowing my car down a bit. She pointed to a house on the end of the street. I nodded, and drove down.



I woke up to be on a hard bed, with a comforter over me, and cookies on a plate on the bedside table. I don't understand... Why is my head pounding?

"Hello, dear." A woman calmly spoke, why is jakes mom here?

"Hi mrs. Williams, why am I here?"

"Jakey said that he found you on the side of the road, and that you took marijuana, and that's why you passed out... You poor thing..." She sympathized. What a lying bastard!

"I most certainly do not-" I started, but was cut off with a.. Woman(?) in a pink dress, humongous boobs, and stockings. Her(?) hair was a deep shade of grey, and was in a very neat bun in the top of her head.

"I'm here for my daughter, Chanel Darcy Fraiser" the woman spoke, in the most obnoxious, snooty, British accent, ever.

"Mother!" I faked the same accent. She(?) smiled, and took me to her car, away from a confused mrs. Williams. I know this is a complete stranger, but I am not staying in jakes house. Nope.

The woman got In the drivers side, and drove off with me in the passengers side.



My inflatable boobs popped, making Chanel even more confused. Whoops.

"Harry." She rolled her eyes with a playful smile. I reciprocated the smile.

"Later on tonight, we have that red carpet thing to do.. " I reminded her.

She nodded, and looked out her window, and I sighed.

"Are we just, not going to talk about what happened?"

"He chased me, I fell on the sidewalk, bumped my head, woke up in a comfy bed, with a ginormous headache, still have it, and now were here. That's what happened." She summarized. Wow, she can't catch a break. I nodded, with a frown on my face.

I remembered something Simon told me.

"And, at the red carpet, we have to 'break up' because Simon said that 'Harry girls' are not liking this dating thing." I informed her, and she nodded.

Good thing for Louis, I don't care what he says, he is definitely in 'lovveeeee'.



"Bye babe!" Eleanor smacked her gum around as she said this, giving me a headache. I smiled, and kissed her cheek, her leaving my house. I can't believe that in almost two weeks, the boys and I leave for Toronto. That's crazy.

What's going to happen to Chanel and us? We've made such great friends.. Yeah... Friends.

I go to my closet and get ready for tonight. At least harry and Chanel and 'breaking up' today. Wait, what? Why do I care? I think I'm going completely mental. Like, crazy house, mental.

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