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[a/n: this dream is going to be longer than the rest.]



I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings... A small room, with padding everywhere. Am I in a mental institution?

I have my hands tied by ropes, and my feet are tied up too. This all seems too weird... This is a new dream. A new possible nightmare.

I look around for anything to untie me with, for anything to break the ropes, but there is nothing around me except walls, and padding. This is making me think to much, I feel like I am mental. Everything's the same in this room, yet there isn't any familiarity.

I start to break out into sweat, my body shaking, and my lip quivering.

"Hello?" I call out, but there is no reply. No one to save me from myself.

"Anybody there?" Why should I even try, no one is here. Stupid, stupid Chanel. There is a strange echo whenever I talk, and I don't know if that's supposed to happen.

I hear steps from outside this hell hole, tiny footsteps. Who could that be? Surely not who I think it is... I start to fiddle with my hands, trying to untie myself before its too late, but there is no use. This is on too tight. I let a tear escape loose.

All of a sudden, I hear a giggle. Not just any giggle... A giggle that makes me want to hide, and never return. One that makes me quiver when ever I think about it, I feel guilt wash over me. Guilt and fear. It is who I think it is.

"Who wants to play?" A toddler spoke out, and the padded door knob twisted a bit, causing me to try and untie my hands again. I can tell this isn't going to go well for me, but I am completely mute, and I can't scream for help. I can't scream for anybody.

The door knob twists some more, this time with some more force, and I shed a few more tears before sliding further away from the door.

"I want to play with you!" He spoke, laughing some more, twisting the door knob again. I finally found my voice.

"STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE." I screamed, and the door flew open, revealing the face I've been dreading to see.

His five year old face was bruised, cut, And scraped. Blood everywhere on him. He held the same doll he had that night. It was a teddy bear, also covered in blood now, and now that I'm looking closely, it also has a little patch on its forehead.

"Shut up you little bitch." The boy yelled back, his voice demonized much more than it had been before. I cried harder than I was, pleading for mercy.

"This is all your fault... All your fault, and now you must pay.." His voice got sweeter, more younger, but still frightening.

All of a sudden, the ropes on me turned into slithering snakes, making me shiver from the thought. One sunk its teeth into me, but I didn't feel anything. I couldn't, but why? I was expecting a searing pain in my hand, venom taking full control of my body, except now, I'm back in my bed... But the environment seems unfriendly. I know this is still part of my nightmare. Why is no one waking me up? Sure enough I'm screaming at the moment.

Maybe I can sneak out?

I creep out of bed, and turn the knob to the door, but sitting outside my door was a jack in the box.


I picked it up, and read a note that was attached to it. It was messy writing, looking like a five year old had done it, the five year old. I pushed back my fears as I read the words printed on the paper.

'Go on, try it'.

I gulped, as I turned the handle, the tune for the 'pop goes the weasel' theme song going off. I was dreading the last second something popped up.

All of a sudden, something popped up, scaring the shit out of me. It had demonic eyes, and it kept swaying back and forth.

"You must pay for what you've done, you must die..." It rang out happily, and I dropped the jack in the box, fear taking over my emotions.

"Stop, stop..." I chanted over and over again, as I dropped the box. I bolted down the stairs, and fell, my vision blurring. Of course I fell...

I saw a tiny figure walking up to me, and I couldn't contain my tears any longer, so I let them go. I cried in front of this child once again.

The figure distorted, and I gained my vision back.

"Louis?" I called out, and he looked worried.

"Wake up, wake up Chanel, come on!"

I suddenly woke up in a jolt.



"Wake up, wake up Chanel, come on!" My dad gently shook me awake. I woke up in a jolt, gasping for air, my father holding me right against his chest.

Why did I dream it was louis?

"I- the- nightmare." I blurted out, and my dad held my sweating body closer to him.

"It's okay, it's okay..." My dad cooed.

My dad knows what happened that night, both of my parents do, and we dealt with it then, but they just don't know I'm having nightmares about it. That's the part I'm leaving out.


[a/n: hi! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! So, I made this one longer than the last chapter, but still not long enough. But it's good right?☺. Anyways, I leave tomorrow for Canada, Saturday.... Yay. Hope you guys are enjoying this, and vote, vote, vote if you like it!]

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