Nights Change People

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Woo! Catching up on work after being in a different country for almost an entire week is actually so stressful.

And having to edit and upload on top of that... No time to write, and that's driving me insane. Sorry if my story is really messy, I didn't have much time to edit it so I apologize, and welcome your corrections. It's been so crazy, I got back from the airport at ten last night and didn't get home til later, then adding onto that I had so much work to do.

Worst part is, I fell asleep while doing so, and woke up at six o'clock. Which is actually the time I'm supposed to be leaving the house. Yes, I'm starving, exhausted, and having to mentally prepare for my Cross Country District meet which is actually tomorrow! I'm going to do absolutely awful since I couldn't run on my trip!

Well, anyway. Proceed in reading and please enjoy.

I love you guys!

- cilla



 "By the way," Desiree said before slipping away into her car. Mary's boyfriend went home but all the other girls still remained. "This thing between us," What thing between us? Was what I wanted to ask, but I kept my mouth shut from being so tired. "Stays between us." She said, meaning for me to not say anything to the others about it. Why would I? I didn't even like her all that much after she just said random and uncomfortable things out in the open and then called me something I'm not.

"Right." I said with a nod and she leaned in. I really didn't want to kiss her so I pretended to turn around and sneeze. "Oh that's awkward." I apologized.

She shrugged. "Good night." She sounded extremely and annoyingly seductive. It was already getting old, and I only knew her for a day.

"Yeah... Bye." I said.

Was it bad that goodbyes were becoming more and more easy for me?

"Okay, wow." Was what I heard from Xavier when I came back in.

I said nothing.

"Conrad. Dude. Wow, she was no whore."

"I'm aware." I said.

"Nor was she a stripper."

I stared at the wall in front of me.

"Conrad that pretty thing that just left this house, she was classy as fuck." He told me. "I'm impressed."


"Really, I am too." Jared cut in.

I looked at him and Macy sitting beside eachother casually. It seemed their relationship grew by the day and I was watching it happen. "She was hot." Jared said.

"Oh Macy, you're husband just called some other girl hot." Mary said in a tattle-tale like tone.

Macy looked like she was snapped out of her thoughts and her eyes jumped all over the place, from Mary, to Xavier, to Carol, to me, and to Jared. Then she lazily slapped his chest with the back if her hand. "How dare you." She said carelessly. Her eyes began to droop and she looked like she was so close to falling asleep.

Jared must've caught it too and stood up. "I've got the baby." He joked and scooped her up in his arms with ease and carried her up the stairs, giving her loving kisses and smelling her hair affectionately. Sure he went to strip clubs, sure he recognized the beauty of other women, but at the end and beginning of the day... Macy seemed to mean the world to him. And it was so obvious that he would remain faithful to her for as long as they were together. I wished that was me in that position.

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