I've Seen You Naked

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My lovely readers!!!
Hello, how are you?
I'm so excited to be uploading today! I've honestly been waiting this whole week to do so, and here I am, on the road in San Antonio, heading back home from South Padre Island. It was fun living the beach life, and now I'm in the car with an annoying almost-broken phone, having to manually write some of my stories since it's being difficult.
But I'll do whatever for you guys. :)
This is one of my favorite chapters; I hope you feel the same. Enjoy!
- cilla

Journey and I were soaked and so were my cigarettes. I hadn't taken my phone, which was extremely smart of me. We both finally got to the house and knew we were too wet to go inside, so we sat in front of the door where the rain wasn't there.

It was dark outside; Journey and I stayed out for a long time. I sat against the house and felt my head bang hard and pain shot through me. It was nothing, not like anything I felt inside. Journey was still afraid of the thunder and whined loudly, probably waking Macy inside. Xavier's car was no longer there and I assumed he had gone with Carol.

Journey made howling noises and I didn't bother to shut him up. We were shivering from the summer rain, the breeze hitting us after the rain no longer touched. I expected Macy to come out sooner or later and comfort her dog. Maybe she'd ignore me too. That would be best.

It seemed like an hour later, and it probably was because I had fallen asleep on Journey, tears stuck in the back of my throat once again, only this time the rain couldn't disguise it.

Macy came out and I woke up when she was staring down at us, standing at the threshold. "Oh thank god." She sighed and kneeled down next to us. "You scared the life out of me." She said while I sat up and she threw her arms around a still soaked Journey. We were both still dripping wet. "What were you doing?" She asked worriedly, petting her dog lovingly and he snuggled into her while she looked at me.

I could only shrug. If I spoke maybe I'd crack, and I couldn't do that in front of her. She sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back."

Journey and I shivered next to eachother and she came back with a towel for each of us and clothes for me.

"Thanks." I had to say when he handed me the towel and she dried Journey with the other.

She stopped while looking at me and grabbed my face curiously, her eyes fixed on mine. I was almost able to block out the pounding rain and focus on her warm cinnamon scent. At the same time I felt the vibrating pulse of my heart as her touch shocked me. "What happened?" She asked distractedly.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"Your eyes are so red."

I pulled away from her and didn't say anything. Maybe she thought I was high. Maybe she hated me now, or didn't like me. That would be best, but I knew she didn't think any of that.

After I semi-dried myself she handed me my clothes and I attempted to step into the house but she stopped me. "You're still wet, change first."

"Outside?" I asked angrily.

She nodded and shut the door and watched me. I didn't notice her eyes on me until I slipped off my pants. "Can you not watch me while I'm changing?" I asked her rudely and she rolled her eyes and opened the door to step inside.

Then something I hadn't ever expected to hear from her came from those lips as she went inside, before she shut the front door, "Nothing I haven't seen before." And I was frozen, heat rushing up and spreading quickly throughout my body only to vanish after her words.

I looked at an airdrying Journey in shock, "Did she really just say that?" I asked him quietly. I had to be hearing things maybe.

But she spoke it loud and clear. Why did she say that? Why was she reminding me that we've seen eachother naked and make my mind go back to that perfect night?

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