Cigarette Run

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Hey there everybody! I hope you are all well and I really hope that you're enjoying the new story so far. :D
I'm literally too excited to be publishing it, I can't believe I've gotten this far with it.
How do you all like it in Conrad's POV? I was so excited to be doing it I had no idea what to write. I could barely start because I had writers block, and I wanted to write and have him be a guy. Because it's hard to be a girl and try to sound like a guy when writing. You know, because guy's don't notice the things girls do, like what kind of pink someone's skirt is or what brand their shoes are.
Well forget my rambling and carry on reading my story.
Love me <3


Why was Mason even here? It was probably one o'clock in the morning, did he not have better things to do than welcome some girl back to her town? 

"I beat Mary!" He said triumphly, making Macy roll her eyes.  

I looked around for Xavier and saw him bringing her things. He looked happy seeing Mason. He always did, and I hated Xavier so much for liking him. You can't have all the good things in one guy, it just was not fair. Respect, physical strength, mental strength, natural charm, humor, maturity, intellegance. Looking at Mr. Infinite lowered my self-esteem greatly. I was turning into a girl. 

I didn't want to stick around and watch Macy look at him the way she was- with such admiration. She was asking him how he was and they spoke like old friends, because that's what they were. 

Inside the house, I sat on the couch uncomfortably with her dog staring at me. "Hi." I said dumbly and I heard Xavier in the other room laugh at me. 

"Hi? What, do you expect the dog to talk to you?" He shouted from the dining room. 

"Fuck you, Xavier." I said back with pure annoyance and kicked off my shoes, layed back and fell asleep. 

With every dream I had, I always heard her voice. It was when she wasn't home, it left me scared, sweaty, and in pain.  

This time was no different, only when I woke up she was actually there. I looked into the kitchen and saw her hair and I heard sizzle and plop of her flipping pancakes. The aroma met my nose and I sunk back into the couch. 

It killed me, and fuck, it annoyed me. I never wanted to be seduced, but that didn't stop her. Everything she did made me more and more helpless until I gave in and needed to be in control. The thing I feared in the end, I never was in control. She made me do everything I did that perfect night, and when we layed together I let things out when she asked me about the tattoo. I had no idea what was going on that last time I layed with her. 

Reaching into my pocket I felt the soft velvet leather that I usually had around my wrist. It was the color of the deep lonesome ocean, and when she gave it to me I felt a little less lonely. 

I remember getting to my truck and seeing it sitting there innocently. When I saw her name tons of emotions came to me and my self anger had left and I looked at her. She was looking at me for a second, but she turned away and I watched her walk up to her brother and I had no choice but to leave. I'll always be haunted by the memory of snow falling on her hair and her eyes so sad and embarassed. 

On the couch I pushed myself up and walked into the kitchen. Macy's hair was wet as if just getting out of the shower and it almost felt like old times. I didn't know if I missed those times or not.

In the center of the entire kitchen was her monster dog just looking at me as if I was below him. I probably was.  

"Hey," She said lightly and flipped another pancake. 

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