White-Trash Truck-Driving Asshole

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Hello, I'm very extremely so happy and excited to be uploading this chapter.
Before releasing you from my annoying grip of author's notes... I'd like to give a shoutout & a thank you to Kyliekat99, for being my thousandth vote! Not just for the story, but my general votes.
Well I'll shut up and allow you to proceed with my story.

- cilla


Xavier was already at work when I woke up the next morning. It was dreadful, and to this current day I have to say it was the worst possible morning I've ever experienced. And that was because I heard Macy and Jared.

Journey was in my room, he took a great liking to sleeping near me although I never allowed him to sleep on my bed. He was sound asleep, while I was stuck in between the sheets that suffocated me. Forcing me to hear her giggles, his chuckles, her soft and almost silent moans. It was pure hell. I hated no one more than both of them at the moment, everytime hearing her again made me more and more livid.

In the same bed I layed in with her.

It brought me back to that night. I distinctly remember her saying my name. I drowned out when she said Jared's in reality. Was she even thinking about me?

Who are you kidding?

Why would she fantasize about me when she's with the british guy. But then as stupid as it sounds, I'm proud to say that I'm better than Jared when it came to the sexual stuff. Sure I didn't know him, but he had nothing on me. I knew how to change her character all too quickly with one touch, I remember it too well.

I smirked to myself when I recalled her that night. I wondered if she had ever compared me to him. She had to realize I was better than him the first time they-

It pissed me off even more thinking about it. I remembered her breathing, our breathing. Now she was doing all of that with someone else and the feeling was unbearable. Is that how she felt when I came down the stairs with that one woman? She looked unfazed, but it had to have bothered her.

It didn't feel good at all to know she was being touched by a man- who wasn't me.

When their sounds stopped, I shut my eyes in relief. I layed there for a long time and heard the shower running. I took the chance to get up, ignoring clothes because I wanted Macy to remember how it was that night, I wanted her to remember that no one could make her feel as good as I did.

She wasn't down the stairs, Jared was. Macy was showering.

"Morning, mate." He greeted.

I could only nod to him. Did he really not know about us four years ago? He was oblivious then, but I couldn't be sure anymore. Not after Xavier told me he knew all along.

I wasn't sure if I should feel offended, as if I wasn't worth talking about, or proud that she kept me her dirty secret from him. Her fiancé. Maybe she didn't even think about it? Of course she did... She loved me.

Or at least she said she did.

Macy was more cruel than I thought, and she didn't even know it. It only made me want her more.

"Sleep well?" Like he fucking cared.

"Yeah," I answered, not caring how he slept. I was sure it was plenty of fun...

"That's good."

I didn't want to talk to him. I just wanted to drink so I could forget that he even existed.

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