Twenty Seven - Author Note

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Hey guys! I have a few important messages for you guys so listen up!

1. I am a Junior in high school and I update during my study hall. However, I don't have a study hall every single day so please be patient with me.

2. It pisses me off when I have just updated and someone comments "update" or anything that has to do with me updating the book. Now, if you are saying "OMG I LOVE THIS BOOK PLEASE UPDATE!" that's fine. That's letting me know that you like my hard work. Just saying "please update" doesn't give me much feedback.

3. I love when you give me your opinions! but not when you say things like "I stopped reading cuz he fucked some other girl and she forgave him." IF YOU ARE GOING TO KEEP SAYING THAT RON HAD SEX WITH ALEXANDRA, JUST RE-READ THE GODDAMN CHAPTER BECUASE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET THROUGH TO YOU THAT IT WAS A FUCKING DREAM. I'm sorry if that's mean but Jesus fucking Christ, get with the goddamn program.

4. I love you guys so much and I update not only during my study halls, but also if I have nothing to do in any of my classes. (Which isn't normal)

5. Please be patient with me. Once I post an update, I start writing a new chapter instantly.

Alright, that's it. Have a good day/afternoon/night. Love you all!

(P.S. I'm not trying to be mean but I've reached my breaking point with people still believing that Ron fucked Alexandra. Once again, it was nothing but a dream so please understand how it can get annoying)

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