Twenty Two

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Ron carries me bridal style to the couch in his office, setting me down gently and placing a light kiss on my forehead.

"Don't you think we should be in our room?" I say, trying to get Ron to wait a second. He's placing kisses along my collar bone as I speak.

"Why?" He says in between kisses.

"Ah......Privacy?" I gasp as he kisses the mark on my neck.

"Hmmm, good point." Ron picks me up bridal style, again, and takes me to our room. Not rushing this time. I open the door, since his hands are busy holding me, and Ron shuts it with his foot. Throwing me on the bed.

"Ah!" I yell. The sudden feeling of being thrown surprising me. He smirks and climbs over top of me, placing more kisses on my neck.

"This may hurt." He warns me and then places a kiss on the mark he made earlier. Searing pain pushes the air out of my lungs causing me to gasp. I blacked out, either due to the lack of oxygen, or from the massive shock of pain my body just received. I don't know how long I was out, but pretty soon I heard voices. Familiar voices fortunately, unfortunately my head began to pound as the voices got louder.

"What the hell did you do!?" A female's voice yells from beside me.

"Calm down, she's fine." A male's voice attempts to calm down the female.

"Oh goddess, what if she's in a coma?" Another female speaks up from the other side of me.

"She's not in a fucking coma! She's fine damn it!" A male's voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"How can you be so sure? Have you done this before or something?" The first female seems to accuse the second male.

"You can't mark two separate people sweetheart." The first male speaks up again. I feel the space around me having pressure put on it from another source.

"Babe, you need to wake up now." The second male is looming over me. His voice soothes me and I begin to feel my body waking up more.

"Yeah, she's totally going to wake up because you told her to! That'll work!" The fist female shouts again.

"Take you're time babe. I'm not going anywhere." I finally realize who's talking to me.


Suddenly my body jolts awake, my eyes flying open. Only to reveal my mate looking down at me.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hi." I reply back. He brushes my hair out of my face and kisses my forehead gently.

"Holy shit it did work." Maya, the first female voice, almost whispers.

"No shit Sherlock." Kayden, the first male voice, pats her head.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Liz breathes a sigh of relief and smiles.

"It's gonna take a hell of a lot more to knock me into a coma Liz." I sit up slowly, running my fingers through my hair, attempting to tame it.

"You need anything?" Ron asks me.

"Nah, I'm good. Oh, but how about you warn me before you do something like that again." I glare at Ron.

"Yeah, my bad." He scratches the back of his head and chuckles.

"Wait, why did you black out then?" Maya questions me.

"My body didn't have time to register the pain I was about to go through. When chuckle head marked me, the pain forced the air out of my lungs and made it impossible for me to take in air." I explain, Ron looks slightly guilty.

"So basically, Ron's lack of warning caused you to pass out due to lack of oxygen." Kayden simplifies my explanation.

"Yeah, pretty much." I reply.

"Way to go Ron." Maya glares at Ron.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Ron waves off her anger.

"It's fine Maya. I got this." I pull Ron back so that he falls flat on his back onto the bed.

"What was that for?" Ron questions me confusedly.

"I have to mark you now, remember?" I remind him of what I have to do.

"Oh, right." Ron moves so that he's lying in the same spot I was. I instantly straddle him.

"This might hurt." I don't give him time to register what I just said before I bite his neck.

"Son of a-!" Ron gasps out of pain. I feel my fangs curving inwards, causing Ron to grip my thighs tightly. The pain causing him to bruise my thighs with his vice like grip.

"Um...." Maya breathes out her confusion. I can feel Ron's body go limp as I continue to drink his blood. My fangs finally curving completely inward, finalizing the mark. I stop drinking his blood, causing my fangs to un-curve and straighten out, allowing me to pull away. I lick the bite wounds, causing them to heal over like it never happened. The mark is a rose, symbolizing royalty.

"He'll wake up in a second." I'm still straddling him when he wakes up. His jolts awake, sitting up, his face inches from mine.

"Morning sunshine." I smile.

"Bloody hell." He breathes out finally.

"Just paying back the favor." I force him to lie back down. Rolling off of him, I get off the bed and go to the bathroom to inspect my neck, looking at my mark.

"You like it?" Ron comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You like yours?" I ask him. He hums in response and kisses my mark, causing me to suppress a moan.

"Can you guys not fuck? We're still here." Kayden speaks up.

"Can you guys fuck off?" Ron answers back. I roll my eyes.

"Only if Maya's in the mood." Kayden replies, Maya blushes and tries to smack him. He catches her hand and throws her over his shoulder.

"Liz help!" Maya shouts out. Liz follows them out the door, pretending that she's going to help Maya.

"You're terrible." I turn around to face Ron.

"Why's that?" Ron kisses my lips.

"You bruised my thighs." I pull away as he tries to deepen the kiss.

"Why don't you let me take a look?" Ron picks me up and carries me back to the bed.

"Why should I?" I ask him tauntingly.

"Because I want to see if your lying or not." Ron pulls my pants down and begins kissing the bruises.

"Ron Black, you are one confusing man." I push his head away and pull my pants back up. Ron growls at me and I growl back. He tackles me back onto the bed.

"Ron!" I shout playfully. He makes it so that he's over top of me again.

"If you don't let me love you, we are going to have problems." Ron leans down and kisses my lips.

"I never said you couldn't." I pull away.

"Good." Ron deepens the kiss. And before I know it, my pants are on the floor, again.

(So I hope you liked this chapter! I took 28 minutes out of my lunch time just to update!)

My Alpha BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin