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Ron led me back to his office and started questioning me.

"How do you know him Ivy?" He asks as soon as he sits down.

"He was in the army with me." I answer truthfully.

"And-?" He asks, looking for more information.

"We were in the same group? What do you want to know Ron? He practically left everyone in the dark after he went MIA." (Missing In Action- for those who might not know)

"Ivy, he almost died. Got some brain damage and forgot almost everything about his time in the army." He says this with a blank expression.

"What? I mean, I knew he was in bad shape when they found him but-" I stopped my sentence short and began thinking back to what happened.

"But what Ivy?" Ron asks impatiently.

"The last thing I heard about him was that he was in some hospital and was in bad shape. I tried finding out more information but it was futile. They had him on lockdown, wouldn't let anyone know anything about him or his whereabouts or the extent of his injuries." I reply. I can feel his anger rolling off of him like a tsunami.

"You mean to tell me that you, even with your social standing in the army, couldn't find out anything about him other than what you were orginially told?" He growls it out.

"Yes. Why are getting so angry?" I'm getting confused and I feel very attacked, as if I did something wrong.

"Before he lost his memory he would tell me all about a girl named Ivy and how amazing she was. How she was perfect and he would never love another woman as strongly as he loved her. That woman, I now realize, is you. You two dated back then and you sure don't act like it. He doesn't remember, but you have no excuse!" He growls, his fists clenched.

"He either lied to you or you are assuming that we dated because I didn't mess around with any of the guys like that. He was no exception." I growl out lowly. Ron stands up, his eyes getting darker by the second.

"WHAT WAS HE TO YOU THEN? JUST ANOTHER PAWN IN YOUR BATTLE PLAN?!" Ron yells at me, his canines coming out and his eyes almost completely black.


"Then why was he so obsessed with you?" Ron sighs as he sits back down.

"Ron, you do realize that there was another Ivy in my group? He must have been talking about her, not me. She was a private as well. I barely even knew him to tell you the truth." I sit down across from him.

"But why couldn't you know what was wrong with him?" He asks, sounding defeated.

"Something went wrong during the rescue. That's all I know. They most likely almost killed him off. There were corrupt people in the group that rescued him. Of course, at the time nobody knew they were working for the other side." I sigh. My head is pounding from the anger.

"Not until you were rescued?" He questions.

"Yes, not until I spilled the secret they planned on making me keep to the death. They didn't plan on my rescue." I spit out.

"What's wrong?" Ron looks at me perplexed.

"I don't like talking about my past in the army. Especially the part where I was captured." I grit my teeth as a migraine sets in.


For ten minutes we don't talk. Silence fills the room.

"Who are you?" Her voice is small, but it reaches my ears like a bang.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. Her head in her hands, I can feel her trying to block me out of what she is feeling.

"This morning and back in my pack you were this funny and loving Alpha who wasn't anything like the rumors. You didn't scowl or become angered easily when I made snarky remarks. Then we go and meet pack members and you hold a cold expression, almost no emotion. The Alpha Black every man, woman, and child knew and feared was there. Is it a façade or are you faking when you are around me?" Her words mix with the confusion and pain I hear in her voice.

"Ivy, not all the rumors you heard are true. That's how rumors work. I am easily angered and have a temper that no other Alpha can match. I'm extremely violent. I enjoy beating the shit out of wolves who have done terrible things. I enjoy watching other Alpha's tremble in fear of my presence. I have to get more land for my ever growing pack, but that doesn't mean I don't weigh out options before I take over another pack for its land." I tell her, I watch her raise her head, meeting her pain filled gaze.

"And do you enjoy killing innocent children for their parents sins? Do you lock them up and use them as punching bags? Do you torture them?" She asks, and I know exactly what she is referring to.

"Ivy, that was only once and that child was not innocent of any crime. That child was not tortured. I did not use him as a punching bag. I do not lock up innocent people or children. I don't blame people for their relatives crimes. I'm not that much of a monster." I'm lying to her. I am that much of a monster. She looks at me with doubt.

"Your lying." She looks at me with shame.

"Ivy, I've jailed so many children because I suspected that they would try to start a riot in their parents honor. They were just as involved with their parents crimes that I deemed them guilty of assisting. Yeah, I've locked up innocent kids before. I started correcting my mistakes years ago, starting with all the kids I've ever locked up. Giving them a second trial and a second chance to prove their innocence. Most of them have been set free and joined my pack by their own decision." I tell her. I see that there is really no point in lying to her now. She pauses and looks back down at the ground.

"So you are a monster." She speaks softly.

"Hold on-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"A monster with a conscience." She says this louder, "Am I right?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I stand up, shrugging off her remark. I've been called worse. I go over to the giant window and look over my pack.

"Ron, am I right?" She says slowly as if trying to reassure herself of something.

"Yes Ivy. You are right." I reply slowly; I turn around to face her as she stands up.

"Good. That's all I needed to know." She starts walking away and just as she reaches the door she turns back around to look at me. "From now on, act like yourself. Don't act like something you aren't with me. I might be your mate Ron, but if you want me to be comfortable around you, then you need to be yourself." She walks out the door.I want to tell her that it's not that simple, but I bite my tongue.

"You have no idea how much of a monster I can be love."

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