My Champion Nelia

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Nelia Black. Best swimmer on the swim team. Best grades in all of her classes. She's well rounded. You'd think she's be a bit uppity, but no. She's humble about all of it. Her light brown eyes and curly dark brown hair make for quite the contrast. Lukas Valentine. Struggles in almost every subject, except history, science, and math. He's a fighter. A boxer for an underground (illegal) fighting arena. He's the son of the Beta in his own pack. When these two collide and find out they're mates, what will happen? Read to find out. (This is the sixth book in the 'My' series. Please read the previous five and you'll understand what's going on in this book so much better.)


"Nelia, please!" My brother Liam, begs me.

"No." I say, pushing his math homework away from me.

"But-" He tries to speak but I cut him off.

"Go ask Eliza." I state, crossing my arms.

"Ah shit, alright." Liam rolls his eyes. Next thing I know, Eliza sits down next to Liam.

"Hey Liam." Eliza greets him. 

"Hey bae." Liam kisses her temple.

"No making out at the table you two." My sister, Morrigan, sits down next to me and groans.

"Hey, just wait until you find your mate. Its harder to resist than you think." Liam states.

"Why are you quoting dad?" I ask him.

"Because mom agreed with him after he said it." Liam smiles like a goofball.

"Ah yeah. He's got a point. If mom agrees it must be true." Morrigan chuckles.

"Your fangs Liam." I poke his cheek.

"Sorry, I didn't get breakfast this morning." Liam is the only pure vampire out of us. By us I mean Morrigan, Liam, and I. We're the triplets. Alana is also a vampire but she's not a triplet, she's a twin.

"Do you want-?" Eliza starts to speak but Liam cuts her off with a quick kiss.

"Maybe later." He grins as she blushes.

"Didn't I just say not kissing?" Morrigan scowls.

"No, you said no making out." Liam corrects her.

"What's the fucking difference?" Morrigan asks sarcastically.

"Well kissing is just quick little smooches and making out is..." Liam tilts Eliza's head away from her book and leans in.

"No no no no no! I was being sarcastic you dick!" Morrigan starts yelling and Liam. Which sparks a fight between them. So now its a little chaotic at the lunch table. So chaotic that I don't realize someone standing behind me.

"Morrigan, chill." I wave chocolate in her face.

"Liam, stop." Eliza kisses his cheek.

"Fine." They both huff and sit down.

"I swear you two." I mumble under my breath. Someone places their lunch tray next to mine and sits down.

"Lukas?" Eliza looks over at the person sitting next to me.

"Yo." Lukas greets.

"Since when do you eat with us?" Liam growls slightly.

"Since I found my mate." Lukas takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Oh yeah, who's the unlucky girl that got stuck with you?" Morrigan chuckles.

"She didn't tell you?" He raises his eyebrow at me. I gulp and look at Liam and Morrigan. Their faces are almost the exact same. Confused and upset.

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