Fifteen - Valentines Day Special

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I woke up this morning with a headache. It's 5:00 a.m. and Ivy is still sleeping. I rub my face and go to the bathroom. Taking a cold shower to wake me up more; I take three Tylenol to get rid of my headache after I get out.

"Morning." Ivy yawns as she enters the bathroom. I'm already dressed and brushing my teeth when she enters.

"Hey." I reply back. She starts stripping to get in the shower, and I watch her diligently. Taking in every curve of her body, every mark, every scar, and every tattoo. She turns her head and looks at me knowingly.

"Are you ever going to not look at me when I do this?" She questions as she steps into the warm shower.

"Never, and if I ever do, call the doctor." I smirk as her laughter makes me feel better.

"I'll be out in a fifteen minutes." At this remark, I raise an eyebrow.

"And if your not?" I ask suspiciously.

"Then you can drag me out." She laughs. I leave the bathroom and check the time, 5:25 a.m.

"Going to kitchen for breakfast!" I yell to Ivy. I hear her shout back an OK and I head downstairs.

When I enter the kitchen, I get a mug for my coffee, which is already made, thankfully. I grab some papers off the island and notice that I have yet to review them, so I sit down and read. A few minutes later and I finished reviewing this plan for a new apartment building in the southern region of my pack. I look over at the time, 5:40 a.m. Ivy still isn't down. I stand up and head upstairs to see what's taking so long. I'm not even on the fifth step when she comes around the corner.

"Were you coming up for something?" Ivy grins slyly as she comes down to me.

"You." She puts her arms around the back of my head. "And something else so if you could move-" Ivy makes her nose scrunch as she takes herself down to the kitchen. I continue going up and wonder where the hell I put that certain something.

"Damn it. Where the fuck did I put it?" I mutter as I search. I go over to the walk in closet and open the drawer full of heirlooms and watches. I find a small black box and open it, seeing what I was looking for in the box made me breathe a sigh of relief. I put it in my pocket and head back down.

"Did you find the thing you were looking for?" Ivy asks as she skims over the building papers I was reading earlier.

"Yeah." I answer. I sit across from her at the island and observe her facial features. Her soft, pale skin, dotted with freckles going down her nose and spilling to her cheekbones. Her long, dark eyelashes and blue-green eyes.

"Earth to Ron." She breaks my concentration as she waves her hand in front of my face.

"Am I not allowed to look at my mate?" I ask her. Her pale cheeks are tinted with a pale pink as she blushes.

"Drink your coffee." Is all she says.

"I would but I have a thing I need to do now or I'm probably gonna forget about it." I reply as I stand up and go around to her.

"Does this thing involve me in anyway?" She sips her tea. I take the box out of my pocket and put it in front of her.

"Inside this box is something important. A family heirloom actually. Meant for the Alpha to present his mate on a certain day." I say to her. She goes to pick up the box but I take the box and open it facing me so she can't see what's inside.

"When's the special day?" She questions me. A slight grin starts to form on her face.

"Today is Valentines Day right?" I question her.

"Oh." Ivy's face lights up a bit more as she tries to not show her eagerness and excitement.

"Anyways, like I was saying. This has been in my family since the first man in my family found his mate. He went to a wizard to make a very special something for her, something that could keep her safe. This ring has always protected the Alphas' mate as long as she has it on. Which also happens to be always, until it's passed down to another the eldest son after he takes over the Alpha position for his father. It protects only the Alpha's mate, nobody else. So I'm giving this to you, not only to keep up with the tradition, but to also let unmated males know that you are taken by Alpha Black." I take the ring out of the case and let her examine its exquisite beauty.

"It's gorgeous." She says breathlessly. I take her left hand and slid the ring onto her ring finger.

"It never rusts, it's unbreakable, and the magic can never be undone." I tell her. She's admiring the ring on her hand happily as if she was entranced by it.

"I can't believe I almost forgot what today was." She says finally.

"I set a reminder on my phone." I confess. She laughs softly as she takes something out of her own pocket. Another small box, but its a deep shade of red.

"This was given to me by my mother when she and my father split up. Meant for my mate when I meet him. It also happens to be an heirloom. It protects my mate and only my mate. It also is a magical object; it can never be broken, it can never rust, and the magic can never be unwound." She puts the ring on my ring finger. Its a simple silver band with golden engravings on it.

"Thanks babe." I chuckle slightly. She smiles slightly and takes her empty mug to the sink. I come up behind her with my mug and place it in the sink as well. She turns around and wraps her arms around the back of my neck. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist as I set her on the counter.

"I'm gonna kiss you." She states, I start laughing. She gives me a confused look and tilts her head to the side.

"Well, if your going to kiss me then do it already." I smirk. She leans in and I capture her lips with mine, trying to be gentle and not take her right here and now. She pulls away and sighs, the feeling of her lips fading.

"I love you Ivy."

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