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I woke up with a start. I put my hand on my head to try to calm down. I looked around me and found myself in bed. Alone. It was only me. Ron wasn't here. He hadn't been here at all is what it looked like. I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Ivy? Dinner is ready. It's tacos." I hear Ginney on the other side of the door. It must have all been a dream.

(A/N: I trolled you, I'm sorry)

"Uh yeah, I'm coming!" I yell

"Okay see you down there." She replies. Her footsteps become fainter and finally I can't hear her anymore. I stand up an go into the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see my very pale face looking back. I splash my face with some cold water and wipe my face dry. I leave the room and start heading towards the kitchen. As I'm going down the steps I see Alexandra headed towards the kitchen as well. It has to have been a dream then. I walk into the kitchen and the smell of tacos overwhelm my senses.

"Oh god, I love tacos too much." I mutter to myself.

"There is no such thing as loving tacos too much Luna!" I turn around to see a middle aged woman standing behind me. She's smiling and walks towards the food. I follow her and start to make my taco and a few other people roam in and make theirs as well.

"I'm not sure I know your name ma'am." I ask the lady.

"Oh no need to call me ma'am for starters. My name is Jackie. It's nice to meet you Luna." Jackie has a smile on her face. Nicest smile I've seen all day in fact. I begin making my taco, spreading the sour cream on the tortilla, spooning some meat on, and then salsa.

"Well Jackie, it's nice to meet you as well. You already know who I am I guess." I say as I sprinkle on some cheese as the final touch.

"Well, I don't know you entirely. I don't know who you are as a person. I don't know your true personality. I don't know your dreams, aspirations, or hobbies. The only thing I know about you is that you are the Luna." Jackie goes into detail and gives me one last smile and waves good bye as she leaves the room with her taco.

"Well, I think I just found a friend." I mutter to myself and take a bite of my taco. I decide not to go into where everyone else is. Just in case I run into Ginney, or anyone really. I'm not in a interactive mood at the moment. I finish my delicious taco within six minutes. After placing my plate in the sink, I start heading back upstairs.

"Excuse me Luna?" A male voice asks me. I turn around expecting to see some random stranger again. Instead I see a somewhat familiar face. Probably saw him on the training grounds at some point.

"Yeah can I help you???" I ask, I must have sounded tired or just plain annoyed because this guy just cringed in fear.

"I'm sorry, um, the, um, Alpha, he, uh, wants to, um..." The guy keeps stuttering and is now trembling.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask concerned. He merely looks up and the fear in his eyes are very profound. I'm not that scary, am I? I mean I can be scary but, I'm not pissed or even annoyed at the moment. Just extremely worn out.

"Um, no, I'm uh, I'm okay, uh, sorry, for uh,-" He stutters once again. He's trembling even more now.

"I'm not going to hurt you alright. Calm down, deep breathes kid." I say as I walk closer to him. He looks about fourteen, definitely looks like he's about to break down in tears. I reach out to put my hand on his shoulder and he flinches away before I even touch him. This kid has been through some shit.

"I'm sorry, uh the Alpha just wanted me to tell you he wants to see you." He finally spits it out. I look at him trembling and on the verge of tears.

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