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After cleaning up my mess, I went to my office, (Also known as my brother's office, we share.) to formulate my plan. My rouge plan to be exact. I enter and wave to my brother who is busy with some paperwork. I take a seat in my comfortable spinning chair, grab a stack of paper and a pen. I tap my pen for a while, then it hits me.

"Eureka!" I yell as I stand up forcefully knocking my chair backwards. "Oops, sorry." I pick up my chair and sit back down and start writing down my plan. A few moments later I have finished my masterpiece of a plan. I quickly go to my brother's desk and open a drawer. I grab a map of all of the werewolf pack territories in America and jog back to my desk. I start mapping out my plan.

"MOMMY! DADDY'S BEING MEAN TO ME!" A screaming young boy comes running in to me.

"Luke!" A voice yells from close by.

"What happened baby?" I ask Luke as I cuddle him soothingly as I pick him up.

"Daddy's trying to make me eat vegetables!" Luke says with a pout, I chuckle. Jason snorts from his desk and attempts to hide his laughter behind his paperwork. A familiar figure comes jogging in breathing hard.

"Ivy do something please. He won't eat his spinach. I just chased this child around the entire territory. Twice!" Alex, Luke's father, pleads with me.

"Come on Luke, you need to eat your vegetables! They are good for you. I love eating my vegetables. You'll grow big and strong if you do." I say to Luke as he hugs me even tighter.

"But it's spinach." Luke protest while twisting his face into a look of pure disgust.

"Popeye eats spinach doesn't he? He's big and strong isn't he? So if you eat your spinach you can be strong like him." I say remembering Luke's favorite cartoon character.

"Just like Popeye?" He sniffles

"Just like Popeye." I confirm with a smile.

"Okay momma!" Luke smiles and runs off to the kitchen, passing his dad on the way.

"Why do my children love you?" Alex asks me as he walks over.

"I dunno, maybe cuz I raised them." I say back while turning around to keep mapping.

"Pierce is back." Alex says while hugging me from behind me and breathes in my scent. (A/N- Alex has a mate but she died while giving birth to Luke. Pierce is the oldest at the age of 17, while Luke is only 5. Pierce had a spell put on him that made him age faster than the others by a witch, his true age is seven. He does look and act like a 17 year old. The spell is gone now. Ivy has been taking care of Pierce and Luke since the day Pierce was born. She merely filled the mother position for their mother since she was always sick. She got stronger and then had Luke, she was alive long enough to name Luke and hold him in her arms for an entire hour. She then died holding him, Alex is still alive because Ivy persuaded him to not kill himself. For his children and Ivy. Ivy is Alex's best friend as well.)

"He is?" I ask as I finish the last line on the map. Pierce was away at college since he's a genius. It's been awhile since I've seen him.

"He is momma. He sure as hell is."

"Pierce!" I say in surprise, I run over and hug him tight.

"Heya momma." Pierce says as he hugs me even tighter as he breathes in my scent.

"Welcome home Pierce." Alex says with a huge smile.

"Hey pops." Pierce says as he walks over to Alex and man hugs him.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Jason asks with a terrible New York accent.

"I didn't forget about you Uncle Jason." Pierce says with a smile and man hugs Jason.

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