My Guardian Liam

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(Didn't I say that I would be putting up more chapters for My Alpha Black after I finish with these previews? Why are some of ya'll adding it to your completed files already? *Imitates getting shot in the chest* Really hurts guys.)


Liam Black. Almost everything about him screams walking sex. He looks and acts like the guy you'd want your parents to meet. However, he has a god complex that can rival his brothers. Eliza Sherwood. Almost everything about her screams please leave me alone. She's an outsider with the humility that can rival any others. She's the girl you wouldn't want to get caught dead with if your popular. How will these two polar opposites get along once its revealed that they're mates? Read to find out. (This is the fifth book in the 'My' series. I urge you to read the first four book first or its gonna be super hard to understand wtf is going on.


Josh Greymane. The quarterback on the football team. My main abuser. A bully to all who cross his path. Even if by accident.

"Hey, give me that back!" A freshman jumps to get her textbook back. Its her history textbook too. And the teacher, well lets just say she will give out detentions for not having the book. Josh definitely knows that. In fact, he's probably doing it on purpose. I roll my eyes and start walking to the library.

"Aw, is wittle baby fweshman upset?" Josh teases the girl.

"Come on! I'm gonna be late for my class! I don't want a detention! Please!" She continues whining and jumping for the book.

"Hey Liam. Should I give it back?" Josh looks over at Liam Black. The hottest guy in this school. And unfortunately, he's my mate.

Three Days Ago

My step-mother was drunk and my father wasn't home. My sister was out with her friends and I was home alone with the step-bitch. Whenever she gets drunk, she punches and kicks me. One day she pushed me down the stairs and I had to lie, saying that I had slipped and fallen. No one knows what she does to me. I had gone for a run to escape her abuse and ran into Liam. Literally. We crashed into each other and he was topless. Meaning our skin made contact, even if it was only brief.

"Your my mate?" Liam's mouth is hanging open. I stand in front of him awkwardly.

"I-I guess so." I stutter. Swallowing down my anxiety and trying to not breath heavily.

"Shit! This isn't fair! Why you? Of all the girls in our school? Your my mate?" Liam growls. I flinch away and feel tears prick at my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I apologize, although I'm not sure what for.

"Why are you apologizing? Its not like its your fault." Liam grumbles.

"I-I have to go." I turn around and start running away. Tears falling down my face as I run.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Liam tries to stop me but I kept running.

That was three days ago. He hasn't said a word to me since then.

"I dunno man. You know how tough Ms. Shelly is about books man." Liam tries defending but he's disinterested. I decide to help her even though I'll probably regret it later. I grab it from Josh when he isn't looking.

"Here's your book." I hand it to her and she nods. Then runs off to class.

"Who the fuck you think you are freak?!" Josh grabs my arm, making me wince in pain. His hands gripping tight on a fresh bruise.

"Get off of me asshole!" I yell, ripping my arm out of his grasp. Josh comes at me, his hand raised in the air to hit me.

"You'll regret that you bitch!" He swings his hand down, I wince and wait for impact. When nothing happens, I open my eyes and see Liam standing in front of me, his hand holding Josh's arm in mid-swing.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch her." Liam growls.

"Dude, what is your problem?" One of the guys questions him. Another one comes up behind me and grabs my shoulder.

"Hey!" I shout, only to have him cup his hand over my mouth. Liam turns around and rips me from the guy's grasp, hugging my close to his chest.

"Mine!" He growls out. The boys all back away, except Josh. He just stands there dumbfounded.

"There is no way that freak is your mate. This is a joke right? Your playing a prank on me." Josh tries to reason with Liam.

"Why would I joke about this? Do I seem like the kind of douche that would pretend I found my mate?" Liam holds me tightter against his chest. Its startign to get hard to breathe.

"Liam, come on man. Put the freak down and lets go." Josh tries persuading him.

"Don't call my mate a freak!" Liam growls. Josh backs away and looks around for help. That's when I notice that everyone is staring at us. Girls, like Becca Irving, another bitch who bullies me, glares. I push on Liam's chest, trying to escape.

"Let go." I push myself free.

"Where are you going?" Liam tries grabbing my hand. I pick up my backpack and start heading towards my next class.

"To class." I simply respond, walking faster.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Liam grabs his backpack and heads after me.

"No no no. Please leave me alone." I quicken my pace and turn the corner.

"Hey, come on!" He grabs my arm and turns me around.

"Do you even know my name?" I ask him.

"What?" He looks confused.

"I said, do you know my name?" I repeat myself.

"Uh, yeah. Of course I know your name." Liam rubs the back of his neck.

"Your lying." I walk into my class and I'm about to sit down when my teacher speaks up.

"Ms. Sherwood, your late." Mrs. Chance looks at me expectantly. Some kids on the class snicker.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Chance. I was being held up by Josh." I try to explain.

"Again? Do you need to go to the nurse?" She looks concerned.

"Um, no. Not this time. Thank you." I say, taking my seat.

"Alright. I'll let it slide." She looks over at Liam and waves her hand, likes she's shooing him away. He looks at me once more and then closes the door as he leaves.

"Why was Liam looking at the freak like that?" Vanessa whispers.

"Do you think she was running from him?" Angie whispers back.

"Liam wouldn't hurt her, he isn't like that. And quit calling her a freak." Nelia Black, Liam's sister, defends Liam and I.

"Stop talking." Mrs. Chance looks up from her desk.

"Sorry Mrs. Chance." The three say in unison. I open my text book and start reading. Hoping that I can escape Liam for the rest of the day.

A/N: Really hope you guys like this one cuz I think you will. Unfortunatly it will take a while to update all these books. (What have I brought upon myself?)

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