My Beta Alana

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Alana Black. Beta of the most cruel and violent pack in America and Europe. Her twin, Aidan Black, is the Alpha of said pack. With her white hair and deep green eyes, she resembles her vampiric side of the family. Roland Aztec, Delta of the Crescent moon pack. Brown hair and striking grey eyes. Unfortunately he's not the biggest fan of vampires. So what happens when this vampire is given a werewolf for a mate? Read to find out. (This is the third book in the 'My' series. I urge you to read the first and second books before reading this. This book will make a lot more sense if you do.)


"It is most wonderful to finally meet you Alpha Aiden." The Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack greets my twin brother with a firm handshake.

"Yes, of course." Aidan doesn't smile back but grips the man's hand harshly. His mate, Sarah bows her head slightly in greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you Alpha Jay." I go to shake his hand but he instead he brings it up to his lips.

"Ah, the pleasure is all mine m'lady." Alpha Jay attempts to kiss my hand but a combination of Aidan's growl and my eyes flashing red, stop him from placing a kiss on the back of my hand.

"Alpha..." The man behind Alpha Jay places a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, yes. Where are my manners?" He chuckles.

'Probably in a gutter in L.A.' Aidan mindlinks me. I give him a look and he smiles faintly.

"This is my Delta, Roland Aztec. My Beta was a little busy with his mate being due so soon." Alpha Jay introduces his Delta. A tall man with dark brown hair and striking grey eyes.

"Nice to meet you." Delta Roland shakes my brother's hand, bows his head slightly to Sarah and then stops at me.

"Is it not nice to meet me as well?" I speak up.

"Excuse you?" Roland raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm the Beta of this pack. What else need I say?" I glare at him.

"I'm not a fan of your kind." He glares back.

"How unfortunate for you." My mom, one of the most powerful and dangerous supernaturals on this planet, walks up behind him.

"And who are you?" Alpha Jay eyes her up and down.

"I'm surprised. I didn't think Mark would let you rule his pack. How.....tragic." My mother prctically roasts Alpha Jay into submission.

"My apologies Mrs. Black. I meant you and your daughter no disrespect. And neither did my Delta here." Alpha Jay bows his head guiltily.

"Yes, of course. Just apologize for me." Roland rolls his eyes.

"What kind of a Delta are you?" I get in his face.

"Who do you think you are pipsqueak?" He looks down at me.

"Alana..." My mother places a hand on my shoulder.

"He just called me pip-!" I try shouting but her eye color makes me stop.

"I'm aware dear." She steps in front of me and gets is Roland's face.

"What a shitty mistake you've made." Aidan places a hand on Roland's shoulder, since they're literally the same height.

"Now shake her hand and apologize." My mother smacks his face lightly with her hand.

"Or what?" He growls.

"I will demolish your precious pack." Aidan growls, his eyes going dark. Roland breathes in deeply and nods. He steps forwards and sticks out his hand.

"I'm.....sorry." He speaks, almost like he's forcing himself.

"Apology accepted." I go to shake his hand. But the moment our skin makes contact, sparks rush from my palm to the rest of me.

"Mate..." Roland looks like a lost puppy.

"Oh dear goddess no." I groan.

A/N: Ayyyyy what's up guys! So this is obviously the preview and summary of My Beta Alana! I really hope ya'll like it! Up next is Faolan!

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