Twenty Four

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After the Queen and Vince left, Ivy and I went to my office. Shit had gone down and I'm still confused on what the Queen did to make Ivy weak like that.

"So, you gonna sit there and be quiet or am I going to force the answer out of you?" I ask Ivy. I had asked her a question beforehand and she ignored me completely, by staring at the floor

"What was the question again?" Ivy jerks her head up, finally looking at me and not the damn floor.

"I said are you gonna sit there or-" I attempt to repeat myself., but she interrupts me.

"No, no before that." Ivy waves her hand.

"What made you so weak?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"Dead vampire blood, but in a colorless, and odorless gas. Works on all Vampires, which is mainly why we can't fight against our own kind." Ivy explains, her tone of voice hints that she's annoyed.

"Interesting." I reply, sitting back in my chair. Ivy takes her hair out of her ponytail only to put it back up, but this time into a loose bun.

"Ron, where the hell have you been man?!" Kayden comes bursting through the door, anger evident.

"What's going on?" I stand up and hurry to him, Ivy following behind me.

"We gotta talk and walk." Kayden heads back out the door and we follow.

"Kayden-" I start but he cuts me off.

"A banshee is on your territory as we speak. We've already got two warriors down because of it's poison." Kayden explains. I hear Ivy gasp lightly, I'm in shock too. Banshee's haven't been seen in centuries, not that we need them anyways. They have a taste for werewolf, which translates to mass deaths, the failure of packs, and pain. They began to diminish in numbers when Angels stepped in to kill them, oddly enough that's how my mom met my father. When we reach the training grounds, a banshee is there, waiting for it's meal.

"Ron, you can't-" Kayden tries to stop me, but Ivy grabs my arm.

"Ron, let me kill it." Ivy has determination set in her eyes.

"Not without my help." I reply. Her eyes widen slightly, and she nods in agreement.

"Ron..." Kayden pulls Maya closer to him and he gives me a nod. Signaling that he'll protect my pack if anything happens. Ivy and I start walking towards the demon. I look over at her noticing a new tattoo on the inside of her right forearm.

"Ivy, what is that?" I ask her, seeing as it wasn't there before.

"Demon sword. It was a gift from my mother a few years back. It only appears on my arm when I'm near any type of demon. Or when I need it." Ivy flicks her wrist out and suddenly the sword is in her hand. It's black metal with a red-gold hilt.

"What's the tattoo on your arm for?" Ivy glances at my right forearm. A tattoo of a sword also is there, but all the time.

"It's been there. A gift from my mother when I was fifteen. It signifies my angle side." I touch the hilt of the sword with my middle and index finger. The tattoo glows and appears in my right hand. Its silver metal and bright golden hilt.

"Fun." Is all Ivy says before the Banshee begins to approach us quickly.

Ivy is the first to make a move, her speed and agility aid her in striking the banshee, swiftly cutting into its flesh. Before I can move, Ivy and the banshee are locked in a fight.

"Ivy!" I shout, she glances over at me, taking her eyes of the banshee for a second, leaving herself open to attack. The banshee raises her arm to swipe at Ivy.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her." My voice making the banshee stop and turn towards me, its eyes widening in fear. Ivy steps behind it, giving it no escape. My sword glows with the angelic power I've trapped for so long. My eyes becoming a bright copper color. I run towards it giving it no time to react before I stab my sword through its body. I see its eyes dim and then it screams.

"What the-?" I look down at my sword, only to see Ivy's sword also sliced through it. I pull my sword away just as Ivy does and the banshee bursts into flames instantly, eventually burning into nothing. Ivy walks over and laughs a little.

"Did you think I would let you take all the credit for killing that thing?" She asks as she walks past me, back towards Kayden and the few pack members that were training when the banshee appeared. The Gamma steps up and stops Ivy.

"That is no ordinary demon sword Ivy." He glares at the sword in her hand. I move so that I'm in next to both of them.

"Yes it is." Ivy glares back at him, flicking the sword towards her. The sword disappears back into her arm, and the ink of the tattoo seems to melt into her skin.

"No ordinary demon sword can make a banshee scream like that. Nor can it only appear near demons." He looks at me.

"Are you sure your mother gave that to you?" Kayden stands next to the gamma.

"Yes I'm sure." Ivy states.

"What do you think it is Kayden?" I question him.

"The Sword of the Damned." Kayden replies. My Gamma nods in agreement.

"What?" I look at Ivy, waiting for an answer. She doesn't meet my gaze.

"The Sword of the Damned, said to be locked away and kept hidden from all except the Queen of the damned herself. Only she can unleash it from its place." My Gamma looks at Ivy expectantly.

"Yeah so my mother is the Queen of the 'Damned' but that doesn't mean that she gave me the sword." Ivy's voice is getting loud.

"Let's not jump to conclusions yeah?" I grab Ivy's shoulder.

"I'm not jumping Ron. That is the sword, and she can't keep denying it!" Kayden shouts. Maya holds his hand, trying to calm him down.

"Why does it matter?" Ivy mumbles, "So what if I carry the Sword of the Damned? I've gone into battle with it before, and I can control it."

"Do you except help from them then?" My Gamma questions.

"Who's them?" Maya asks quietly.

"Vatra, Voda, Vazduh, and Zemlja." Ivy states.

"Fire, Water, Air, and Earth." I repeat in the same order. It's Serbian (Latin).

"Yeah, the demons the sword contains. I've called on them a few times. It's not like they can turn on me." Ivy grumbles.

"What makes you so sure?" Kayden accuses her.

"Because I'm the only one who can kill them."

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