Thirty Four

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I watch as Ivy sleeps soundly, she had passed out as soon as she gave birth. I was so focused on Ivy that I didn't even get to me the baby.

"Alpha, there seemed to be a complication with the pregnancy that the doctors did not see." A nurse places a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong with my baby?" Ivy sits up quickly and fully attentive.

"Sex is not the best thing for pregnancy." Doctor Maxwell walks in the room.

"We didn't have sex..." I growl out, getting impatient.

"Tell me what's wrong with my baby or die." Ivy's eyes glow a vibrant purple, whilst dark purple flames erupt around her body.

"Plural not singular." Maxwell cowers against the wall.

"Twins?" I ask.

"As you know, it is extremely rare for twins to be born to an Alpha and Luna. However, if one of the parent's is a twin, it is five percent more likely for the couple to have twins. But the Alpha is not a twin." Maxwell looks at Ivy sternly.


"Are you implying that I had an affair?" I growl.

"Well did you?" The nurse speaks up angrily.

"Get your filthy hands off of my mate and don't ever take that tone with me again." The flames erupt around my body even more, heating up the room quickly.

"Ivy is a twin and maybe if you had fucking taking the time to go over her file you would've known that." Ron stands up, placing a hand over mine.

"I-" Doctor Maxwell stutters and the nurse runs out of the room quickly.

"Get. Out. Now." Ron growls at him.

"Yes Alpha, right away Alpha." He scurries out of the room.

"Ron, I'm not ready for twins." I groan.

"They can't be that bad?" He says hopefully.

"Ron, Vince and I would pull devious and somewhat evil pranks at the tender age of two." I glare at him.

"Ivy, I don't even know what the baby... babies... look like." Ron mutters.

"Oh, they're just so adorable!" Martha, a middle aged woman with plenty children of her own, comes waltzing in the room with two infant beds.

"Oh my goddess." I gasps.

"Wow." Ron's jaw drops slightly.

"I love their hair! And just wait till you see their eyes!" Martha places both babies on the bed in between my legs.

"The genders?" Ron asks, slightly confused.

"Oh, this one is a boy and this one is a girl." Martha chuckles lightly at his confused gaze.

"I am super confused." Ron mumbles.

"Well, I'll be back with the forms for their names, we already did their feet." Martha grins. Once she leaves, I place my hand on Ron's shoulder.

"I know I'm pale as paper, but did I actually give birth to an albino?" I ask him, jokingly.

"What if her eyes are red?" Ron chuckles.

"That means she'll be my little vampire." I smile fondly. 

"And the little ginger werewolf?" He kisses my forehead softly.

"I know he was definitely born first." Ivy scrunches her lips slightly.

"How so? You passed out when he came out!" Ron laughs laying his head on my shoulder.

"He wore me out! She was much easier to push out." I trace my finger down her nose and his little cheek.

"Shhh, don't wake them babe..." Ron turns my head and kisses me deeply. Exploring every inch of my mouth, dominating.

"Three months left until I'm cleared for sex dear." I push him away, kissing him lightly.

"That's three months too long." He grumbles.

"You'd better be joking." I smack his arm lightly.

"I am, I am." He chuckles.

"So what will we be naming these two darling children of yours?" Martha comes back.

"Hmmmmm...." I start to think of names.

"I think she should be called winter." The nurse from earlier comes in.

"Winter is not an Irish name." I growl lowly.

"Get out Susan." Martha states quickly. Susan sighs and leaves.

"I got it." A lightbulb goes off in my brain.

"Do share." Ron says.

"Alana means peaceful and serene. Aidan means fiery." I state happily.

"I like it." Ron agrees.

"Alright so little girl is Alana and then fiery Aidan over here. Beautiful names by the way. What's the origin?" Martha writes down the names.

"Irish." I reply.

"Middle names?" Martha looks at Ron and I.

"You got this." I look at Ron.

"Alana Rose and Aidan Lee." Ron says with pride.

"Alana Rose Black and Aidan Lee Black. Perfect!" Martha smiles with happiness and leaves the room. I look at little Alana and take in her characteristics. Her hair is pale as moonlight, though its soft to the touch. Her little button nose and plump little lips, with sweet chubby cheeks. Then I look at Aidan, my fiery one. His hair as red as his father's, identical nose and chubby cheeks. The only difference is the hair and lips. His are thinner compared to his sister's.

"Hey, at least we can tell them apart." Ron kisses my forehead, smiling.

"Hmm." I hum in agreement. Then little Aidan opens his eyes, trying to take in the world around him.

"Oh boy." Ron says, upon seeing his little blue eyes. Next thing I know, he starts to cry.

"Momma's here little wolf." I coo, picking him up and holding him in my arms. He stops crying and nuzzles into my chest. 

"Hey sweet girl." Ron notices Alana wake up, her eyes are red. He picks her up and hands her to me.

"Hello little bat." I smile. She does the same as her brother and nuzzles close.

"So what is little Alana? Vampire or Werewolf?" Martha asks quietly.

"Vampire." I respond.

"You'll have your hands full, that's for sure." Martha chuckles.

"Didn't you have triplets?" Ron asks her.

"Yes, but they didn't try tricking their momma. Twins will try that." Martha answers.

"Oh yeah, you should hear the stories my parents' have about Vince and I when we were younger." I tell him.

"This should be fun then, right?" Ron says.

"Definitely." I smile fondly at my two little newborns, nuzzling in for more sleep.

My Alpha BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora