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Yesterday went surprisingly well. I wouldn't say that love was in the air, but there was definitely something going around. Ron said it was probably syphilis, Michael said it might have been drugs. I say it could have been anything. I'm currently sitting in Ron's office, in his chair with my feet on his desk, reading a book.

"Tell me something Ivy." Ron enters his office with a scowl on his face.

"Okay." I'm not really listening but I know he's probably going to yell at me for something.

"Didn't I tell you specifically not to sit in my chair or put your feet on my desk?" He asks, but I'm not paying attention.

"Yep." If I keep saying different versions of yes and he might leave me alone.

"And yet you are still sitting in my chair with your feet on my desk." He sounds so done with me. I move so that I'm sitting cross legged in his chair. It just happens to be more comfortable.

"Sure." I reply back. Still paying no attention to what he's saying.

"Are you listening to me Ivy?" He asks me, leaning over the desk.

"Uh huh." I'm too engrossed in my book to pay attention.

"I'm going to fuck you against every surface in this room. You okay with that?" Ron stares me down as I stand up to sit on the couch. Still, paying no attention to him.

"Whatever you say." I lie down on the couch and keep reading, still not knowing what he's saying. He comes over and takes his shirt off, he positions himself directly over me. Leaning down, he kisses my neck, scraping his teeth against my skin. I gasp in response to the pleasurable feeling.

"What the fuck?" I put my book on the ground and look up at him.

"You weren't paying attention to me. So I decided to fuck with you. Literally." He explains and tries to go back to kissing my neck. I push his shoulders back gently; he backs off again.

"Tell me what you said then. I'm obviously paying attention now." I keep my hands on his shoulders, just in case.

"I said that I was gonna fuck you on every surface in this room and you said whatever you say. I was merely doing my mate's bidding." He smirks while a smack his shoulder . He brushes a piece of my hair out of my face, for a moment everything seems almost perfect.

"This is great but I have to go do very important Alpha things." Ron gets up and goes to his desk. I sigh and pick my book up off the ground. I stand up and decide to go to the library. Which just happens to be my favorite place. Ron seems too busy to notice me slipping out the door.

As I make my way to the library I run into Hunter. Someone I really didn't want to talk to right now. He seemed to busy to notice me walking past him, although I'm not sure how the staircase is so fascinating, seeing how that's what he was looking down. I decided not to question it and keep walking. I see the doors to the library and go inside, breathing in the smell of all the books. I go to the Ancient Civilizations section and find a book on the Egyptian Pyramids, a subject I'm already well versed in, but it will always be interesting to me no matter how many times I read about it. I go to the giant window in the back of the room, a place where no one can see me from the outside, mainly because it overlooks the forest. A large, comfy chair is where I always sit to read in here. The library is like my safe haven from the craziness of this pack, but mostly when I want to be alone and not anywhere near Ron.

"I had a feeling you would be in here." I turn around and see a woman standing there. A kind smile on her face.

"Hello." I reply awkwardly. I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to say.

"I know a book worm when I see one is what I mean." She tells me. I stand up to go put my book away and she follows me. I grab a book on Grecian Mythology and head for the door. The strange woman still hasn't said a single thing since I stood up.

"Could you tell me where Michael might be dear?" The woman finally speaks up.

"I believe he is with the Alpha at the moment ma'am." I reply, stopping to turn and speak to her.

"Oh, could you point me the way to his office?" She looks a little lost.

"Sure, but only if you answer my question first." I bargain. She nods and gestures me to ask away.

"How do you know how to get into the library, but you don't know where the Alpha's office is?" I ask confused. Pack members usually don't come into the Alpha's house unless he calls them, or its a special occasion.

"Oh that's easy, I used to come to the library all the time to read. The previous Alpha didn't mind, as long as I didn't snoop." She smiles gently.

"Okay then. Now if you'll just follow me please, I'll take you to Michael." I laugh a small bit and she follows diligently. When we get to Ron's office and as I push open the door we both hear Ron yelling.

"Where the fuck could she have possibly gone you dumbass?!" He's yelling at Michael, who seems to be very done with his Alpha, and I honestly don't blame him.

"Michael!" The woman dismisses the angry Alpha and goes to Michael with her arms open.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Michael rejects her hug and grabs her shoulders, worry evident on his face.

"Well, I thought I should come visit my only son before I leave. Is that so wrong?" She gives him a stern look.

"Way to be morbid Mrs. H." Ron says, calming down so the poor woman won't have to witness his anger.

"How did you even know I was in here? How did you get here in general?" Michael ignores Ron's comment.

"The Luna showed me the way. She said that you would be in here." She replies happily. Ron's gaze instantly shifts to mine. He walks over to me angrily.

"Where the hell have you been? You can't just walk away and expect me to know where you are Ivy!" Ron yells at me. I promptly turn on my heel and leave the office with him tailing me.

"I didn't leave the house if that's what you think." I walk to our room and set the book down on the bed.

"That's great, but that doesn't answer my question of where you were." He growls lowly. I look him in the eyes.

"I'm not telling you were I went, because then it wouldn't be special anymore. I would hate to ruin my safe haven." I step into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I swear that man is slightly bipolar, but then again, what Alpha isn't. All these issues we've been having are based on him wanting to know where I am at all times. Which I find highly annoying, seeing as he is basically treating me as a parent would a child. Although, I'm the one not telling him that I'm going to a certain part of the house. Honestly, I feel like he would put cameras in the library if I told him that's always were I go.

"We'll talk later Ivy." I hear Ron sigh from the other side of the bathroom door. I sigh and sit on the cold tile, resting my head against the door.

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