Chapter 35: Annoyance?!/Wedding

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Ramadan is swiftly passing by. Only a week left and eid will be here. I'm really thrilled about eid. I can't wait until it finally come.

"Ismael!!!" I yell out from our bedroom.

"What?!" He yells back.

"Come here"

"I'm doing something"

"Just come here please"

I sit on the bed Indian style and wait. Ismael comes in with an annoyed look on his face. I gesture him to come to me. He sits on the bed next to me and sigh. He's a baby. My baby.

"Ismael can I ask you something?"


"Stop being a baby" I say as i push him playfully.

"I'm not. You're just........" He doesn't even finish the sentence. He just look at me with a irritated look.

"I'm just what?"

"Annoying" I gasp. He called me annoying. Oh I'm going to show him annoying.

I stick my finger in my mouth then put it in his ear. He hit my hand and wipe his ear of spit.

"Asmah that is gross man" he goes to the bathroom and clean his ears out. I on the other hand start laughing.

"Ismael you want me to help you clean out your ears!" I ask still laughing.

"No" he shut the bathroom door and continue to clean his ears.

"Ismael I'm sorry"

He opens the door drying off his head. Did he wash his head too?

"I don't care if your sorry. I'm leaving" he throws the towel on the bed and leave out the room. I get up and follow after him.

"Where are you going?" I ask as he puts on his shoes.

"Away from you"

"What did I do?" I was about to bust up laughing again until I saw his face expression.

"You know what you did so don't even ask me that" Ismael gave me a 'I'm ready to wring your neck look'.

"Are you going to come back?" I ask taking a seat next to him.

He shrugs and get up from the couch. He grabs his keys from the key hook and leave out the house. What's his problem?

I go into the kitchen and grab a bag of chips and cookies. I sit on the couch and find a movie to watch.

After minutes of searching and searching I decide on hulk. I already watched it but who cares I'm going to watch it again.

Ismael p.o.v

Asmah can be so annoying. I can't wait until she have that baby and maybe just maybe she won't be so annoying. I really don't know what triggered my 'attitude' today. So to relax myself and to recollect myself I went to the masjid. I pray my sunnahs up the masjid then I grab a Quran off the shelf and read from the beginning to the end.

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