chapter 14 at mom house

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Isma'el and I got ready to go to my mom house. We haven't seen them in about 3 weeks. I don't think I ever been away from my parents that long. I kinda miss them.

"Baby can you iron my shirt" Isma'el asked.

"Sure" I take his shirt and go to the living room to set up the iron.

"Don't burn my shirt" Isma'el yells from the room.

"I don't burn clothes mister" I replied

"Yeah okay"

When I'm done ironing the shirt I take it to the bedroom. Isma'el was in the shower still so I just laid the shirt on the bed. I then listened by the bathroom door because I heard some noise. Isma'el was humming to himself. I quietly opened the bathroom door and listened. He was humming to something I never heard. I sat on the sink and waited. Moments later he turned off the shower. I still sat there. He opened the shower curtians and was about to step out.

"Holy sh--" he hopped back in the shower.

"Oh my god Isma'el you are slow. You didn't know I was in here" I laughed as I hopped off the sink.

"Hell no I didn't, you scared the hell out of me Asmah" he says coming out the shower.

"Be aware of your surroundings" I say before leaving out.

"I sure will thanks a lot" he wraps a towel around his waist and follow behind me coming out.

"You should've seen your face. It look like you were in a horror movie or something" I laughed.

"I'm glad I didn't see my face I know it was as ugly as yours" he says pushing me and laughing.

"Hahaha very funny" I say rolling my eyes.

"I'm just playing baby" he kisses my cheek.


"Can't you take a joke?"

"Leave me alone"

"Don't be a cry baby" he says pushing me again.

"You don't be a chicken" I say pushing him back.

"I'm not a chicken cry baby"

"Yes you are" I get up from the bed and was about to walk out the room.

"I said I'm not" Isma'el pops me with his dry towel as I walk out the door.

"Ouch!!!" I hold my butt and then charge at him.

"Asmah get off of me" he laughs.

"I'm getting pay back" I hold his arms over his head and let go. Right after letting go I tickle is arm pits.

"Asmah please stop" he laughed.

"Pay back Mr. Joker" I continue to tickle him before he flips me over and he's on top of me.

"So you like to tickle people but you don't like to be tickled" he says mere inches from my face.

"What's that suppose to mean? and get off of my your thingy is on me" I say pushing his chest.

"My pardon princess Asmah. If I recall you were just on top of me and you didn't have a problem with my 'thingy'". He says raising a eyebrow.

"Now I have a problem, get off me"

"Alright princess at your command" he kisses me then get off.

"Get your shirt" I fling his shirt at his face.

"Thanks for handing it to me" he frowns.

"You're welcome" I smile.


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