You Meet (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

The man chuckles lowly before finishing his drink. "Yer a quick one aren'cha...? Tha's how we like 'em. Ain't that righ fellas?"

The other three men circle around me. I look around quickly then grab a broken pipe I see laying near me, only to have it ripped from my hands right after picking and thrown back to the ground with a mocking clang. The men are closing in. One of them take my bag from me, throwing it to the ground, and the lead drunkard forcefully pushes me against the dumpster, it's odor wreaking out and mixing with their further suffocating stench of alcohol.

"Wait! Stop!"

"Wha's the matter?" Both of his disgusting hands cup my face, sending a jolt of fear to my heart. "Smile fer us sweetheart, 'n' be a good girl."

I want to open my mouth and protest further, but nothing comes out of my quaking body. Then a deep voice suddenly cuts in, so I don't have to. "Didn't I have to take care of you all last night?" The four stop what they're doing, but with me still in their hold, as their heads look around for the hidden voice.

"Help!" I shout to the darkness.

I hear something that sounds like a person landing on the ground nearby. "It's about time you learned to stop harassing young girls." This time it comes from a different direction, closer.

The man only scoffs and slams me against the metal dumpster harder, making me wince. His inebriated state does nothing to harm his strength over me. "Then c'mon out 'n' face me like a real man why don'cha? Teach me a lesson..." He smirks at his boys as they chuckle scoffingly.

I'm starting to get pretty anxious. Between my nerves and the terrible alcoholic smell, I'm starting to feel sick. I struggle against him and try to pull away while he's distracted, but he roughly tightens his grip on my arms and slams me back against the dumpster yet again. "Ya better stay still, girl," he growls lowly.

Just then the hidden figure steps out of the shadows. "Get your hands off of her." He snaps.

Everyone freezes.

The man holding me squints at the tall green figure, second guessing his eyes. I kind of am too... My eyes take in the emerald green skin and the gigantic– maybe, turtle?– shell covering his upper body. The most normal thing about this creature is his oddly human like body and the outstanding sapphire blue eyes.

I, particularly, can't help but notice his eyes the most.

I steal a glance at the men to see their reactions, hoping it would be enough to scare them off.

"Jus how many drinks did we have t'night?" The man mumbles to the others.

The figure narrows his eyes, coming closer. "I said, let go of her."

He grunts stubbornly before pushing me into the arms of one of his friends, which isn't any more comfortable for me.

I try to pull out of the other one's grasp, hoping to get an advantage, but his long arms wrap around me from behind and trap my arms at my sides. And the feeling of him covering my body despite my struggling became overwhelming.

"Get off!" I yell frustratedly, in which the guy only laughs at my expense in response.

The first guy then smashes off the end of his beer bottle, making a sharp edge. "Try somethin', ya freak."

The... turtle... narrows his eyes at him and breaks from his position, doing some swift motion with his leg– too fast to see. But the next thing the drunk man knows, his half broken bottle is shooting out of his hand and shattering into the alley wall.

After a second of catching up, the man growls and runs at the turtle, who simply deflects his oncoming fist by grabbing his arm and flipping him over his shoulder.

Drunk Number Two doesn't miss a beat and pulls out a pocket knife, poorly slashing for his side. The turtle jumps over his arm and sweeps his feet under his legs, taking that drunk to the ground as well. I almost wince when his head hits the concrete. Almost.

The fighting green mass easily delivers a few kicks and punches to the next drunkard, not even waiting for that attack to come.

But geez, I can't tell whether this guy is just making this look easy because they're drunk or because he's just really good at what he's doing... It's probably the latter.

I and the last drunk standing watch as Turtle Guy takes out three-fourths of his gang so quickly. Then he glares at the guy holding me. Drunk Number Four makes the smart decision of shoving me to the side to try and attack the vigilante.

Once I'm freed I feel an urge to run as fast as I can away from this bizarre scene– as I should– but for some reason I just keep standing there as the turtle handles these predators.

Lucky for him though, because while he takes care of the last man, he doesn't notice one of the others stumble back towards him with the pocket knife.

"Hey! Behind you!" I yell quickly.

The turtle turns just in time to duck under the blade, causing the creepy man to stumble into the other. It soon turns into a two-on-one fight. I hastily grab the rusty metal pipe again and hear the turtle hiss in pain as the knife cuts his arm. He glares and strikes the pressure point on the man's neck. His body goes rigid before he falls unconscious to the ground.

I take that opportunity to hit the other man over the head with the pipe as hard as I can. He crumples to the ground. The turtle looks from him to me with a nod, seeming impressed. "Nice."

I smile a bit, exhaling deeply, and having no idea what just happened.

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