Chapter Two

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"The little thief stole more food yesterday." My dad said. "He stole bread and fruit."

"Bread and fruit? Dad, that doesn't seem like much. Maybe he really needs it."

"Oh, it's not much, but soon he'll get too comfortable with stealing and will start stealing bigger things like gold. We have to stop him. I've raised the reward to a million dollars."

I nearly spit out my drink. "What!? That's crazy!"

"I need our villagers to look for him!"

"Maybe he'll starve without that food!"

"His parents should get a job then!"

I didn't reply. We barely knew anything about this kid, we couldn't make assumptions about him.

"Whatever." I said after a while of silence. I stood up from the table and left. I ended up wandering the corridors that night.


"Do we have enough food for breakfast?" I asked Bianca.

"We have a bit, but I think we should only have one piece of fruit each for breakfast. We need to make this last as long as possible."

"Yeah. Alright." I grabbed an apple and went into my bedroom. I didn't have to do anything today.

I got out an old notebook I had and started sketching. I didn't really know what it was, but I was sure it was going to be something in the end. But, as I got closer to the finish and I still didn't know what it was, i started to worry if I was losing my touch. But when I had completely stopped drawing, I realized it was the castle.

I let my mind wander to what it must be like in the castle. Whatever you want to eat whenever you want it, nice beds to sleep in, big rooms, safety...

I closed my eyes and pictured it. I imagined giant heaps of food and hallways with expensive paintings that never seemed to end. Doing whatever you want. Not being chased by angry mobs of people every time you go out.

Yeah, that seemed amazing.

I opened my eyes. This was only going to make me greedy. What was the point of fantasizing anyway? Getting your hopes and dreams crushed didn't sound like much fun.

I closed the notebook and put it under my bed. I needed to save those pages as long as I could because I might not be able to get a new one.

~ Three days later ~

"Bianca I'm going out."

"Oh no, you're not. Have you looked outside lately? There's palace guards everywhere. You'd be caught for sure."

"Bianca, I've told you before, I can escape them. You know that."

"What if they just kill you right off?"

"Well, then, the king wouldn't get to have his fun with me, would he?"


"I'm going out."

Bianca sighed. "Don't get caught."

Eh, this is a really short and bad chapter (it's barely five hundred words.) but at least it's here, right? Tell me if you liked it! Was it good? Was it bad? Did it make you want to give up on humanity?

Tell me in the comments!

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