Chapter 27

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We recorded five songs that day and then Matt sent them to some record labels. I really hoped that someone would like my music and sign me. 

I went home when the clock was around five pm. Brian wasn't home yet which made me both glad and a little sad. I didn't like spending time away from him but I was glad that he did something else than worrying about me all the time. I knew that Jimmy would get him to think about other things. 

Pinkly met me in the hall as usual. "Hi Pinkly", I said and patted her on the head. 

I didn't really like dogs but I liked Pinkly, no one could stay away from her. 

I walked to the kitchen and got a beer before I walked to the living room and turned on the TV. Pinkly laid next to me in the couch. 

She wasn't allowed to be on the furnitures for Brian but what he didn't know wouldn't kill him. 

The doorbell rang after a while. "The door is open", I yelled but then realized that it was kinda stupid of me thinking about what I told Matt earlier about crazy stalker fans. 

I reached the door just as it opened and there on the other side stood Cameron. "Cam!" I exclaimed and hugged him. 

"I've missed you so much", he said and hugged me back. 

"I've missed you too", I said. "What are you doing here by the way?" I asked when we had let go of each other. 

"I told you I would come", he said. 

"Yeah, like a million years ago", I said and sat down in the couch. 

"One week", he said and raised an eyebrow.

"Same thing", I smiled. "So are you crashing here or do you already have a place to stay?" 

"I'm staying at Danny's place in Hollywood", he said. "So where is Syn?"

"Don't know", I said and shrugged. "Out somewhere with Jimmy."

"Let me guess, you didn't want him to be around you all the time, worrying, so you basically threw him out of the house?" he said and grinned.

"Well I didn't throw him out, he's too heavy for that, Jimmy dragged him out", I said and smiled. 

"You'll never change", he chuckled. "How are you though?" 

"I'm good", I said and smiled.

"I mean for real", he said with a serious face.

"I'm as good as I can be?" I said and hoped that he would take that as a good enough answer. 

"Have the pain started?" he asked.

He knew about this thing as much as I did after everything with my father. He had helped him a lot through it. 

"Yeah", I said and looked down on my hands. 

"I'm sorry Amanda. Does it hurt a lot?" 

"Yeah it does. More than I thought it would. It's worst at nights though but it hurts all the time", I said. "But let us not talk about this now."

"So what had happened in these months I haven't heard a word from you? I can see that you have exchanged that little apartment to a nice beach house, what more?" 

"I want to say 'not much' but I would be lying then. Let's see, where do I began… As you've already mentioned I moved in with Brian, I met my mom, had a…" he interrupted me.

"You met your mom?" he asked.

"Uhm yeah?" I said. 

"How? How did you found out who she is?" 

"Well she told Matt that she really wanted to meet me and we did when we got back to Huntington."

"How did Matt know who your mother is?" he asked confused.

That was when I realized that I probably hadn't told him about Matt and I. Ups. 

"Oh Cam, you've missed more than you thought", I said and then told him all about Matt and I.

"Are you serious?" he asked when I was finished with the story.

"100%", I said. 

"No way!" he said. 

"It's pretty unbelievable right?" I said. 

"That's…. I don't even have any words!" he said. 

We sat there and talked for a really long time. It felt so good to have Cameron there with me. I had really missed him and felt kinda bad that I hadn't talked to him in such a long time. 

Brian came home after a couple of hours a literally fell asleep the minute he sat down in the couch. I really had to ask Jimmy next time I saw him what he had done to Bri. 

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