Chapter 22

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Matt's POV

She was dying. Amanda was gonna die. I couldn't believe this. It wasn't fair, my heart was perfectly healthy but hers were shutting down? 

It had been a week since she had the surgery and was coming home today. 

We all thought that it was a little soon to go home after just a week but Amanda was really eager to go home. Out of all of us, she was the one who took this whole thing the best. Brian took it worst. He was a complete mess and even though he tried his best not to show it could I easily see in his eyes how crazy this was driving him. It drove me pretty crazy too. Just to know that she wouldn't be here with us for such a long while. That she could die any minute now. 

"Matt? Honey are you okay?" Val said to me.

"What? Yes, sorry, zoned out a little", I said. 

"Thinking about Amanda?" she asked and sat down in the couch next to me.


"I know it's hard for you babe but we have to try stay positive and look at this from the bright side", she said. 

"What bright side?" I asked.

"That she isn't gone yet. She can live over 30 more years. We just have to enjoy the time she have left", she said.

This was what I loved about Val, she always knew what to say and always tried to stay positive.

"You're right. Thanks", I said and kissed her. 

"Go get ready now, we're meeting everyone at Johnny's soon", she said.

"Johnny's bar or Johnny's house?" I asked.


Amanda's POV

"Are you sure about this babe?" Brian asked when he parked the car outside Johnny's. 

"Yes", I said for the millionth time. 

I was starting to get pretty annoyed at how much Brian worried about me. I knew he only did it because he cared about me and wanted me to feel good but it was getting too much.

Sure, I was scared about this whole thing but I tried not to think about it. I just wanted to live my life as much as I could before it was too late. I didn't want to worry about tomorrow, I just wanted to survive today. 

And right now, all I wanted to do was to see the guys and girls again. I hadn't seen them since the day all this shit happened because the doctor didn't allow any visitors than Brian. 

I got out of the car and waited for Brian to do that too before I started to walk towards the bar. My heart and the stitched all over my chest did hurt like a motherfucker when I walked as fast as I did now but I tried not to think about it.

Everyone was already there when we got inside. "AMANDA!" Jimmy shouted and ran towards me. 

"Hi Jimbo", I said and hugged him. 

"Never ever scare me like that again okay?" he said.

"I promise", I said and smiled.

I hugged everyone and said hello. We then ordered drinks from the bar. I wasn't allowed to drink so I just got a coke. Brian didn't drink either, probably just if something happened to me. 

So we just spent the whole night at the bar. Hanging out and played pool. The guys told stories about how they used come here even though they were too young and write songs. They really liked this place. 

It felt nice that for the first time in a week really forget about the fact that I had this disease. Everyone else seemed to forget about it too, even Brian

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