Chapter 13

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Amanda's POV

I sat in the window and looked out over the city as the sun started to rise. I had been awake the whole night. It had been a week since my father died and yesterday was his funeral. The ceremony was really beautiful… and painful. It had taken me all I had in my body not to break down in front of all those people who was there to say a last goodbye to my dad. All his many friends. No relatives. We didn't have any. 

Cameron had to go back to Warped after the funeral and I was now all alone. I wanted to be on Warped so badly, it had been my dream to perform there for years, but I just couldn't. I couldn't go back on stage and sing all these songs I had played for my dad so many times when he would be my only audience. He had been a part of those songs. He had  also always been the one who made me go up on the stage, how would I do that now when he wasn't forcing me? 

I thought about if I would call Brian or not. He was probably partying right now since the clock was almost midnight for him and I didn't want to ruin that… I really wanted to talk to him though. 

I dialed the number.

"Hi babe", he said on the other line. 

"Hey", I said.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, should there be?" I asked.

"No, it's just that the clock is five in the morning for you and you should be asleep", he said.

"Yeah I know, I just couldn't sleep."

"Let me guess, you've been up all night, sitting in that window and thought about way to many things?"

"How did you know about the window?" I asked surprised.

He had never been to my apartment.


Duuuuuuh. Seriously, guys tell each other more things then girls do sometimes!

"How did the show go today?" I asked. 

"Pretty good, it's not the same thing without you standing on the side smiling though", he said and I could almost hear the smile on his face.

"I miss standing there smiling", I said. 

"Then why don't you come back?" he said with a hopeful voice.

"I can't. There is too many things to take care of here."

"That sucks! I miss you soooo much!"

"I miss you too. Will I get to see you after tour?"

"I don't know Amanda… Larry is talking about us going on another tour right after Warped", he said. 


"I don't know yet."


The down parts with being together with a rock star. Tours. 

"But I can always send you flight-tickets to come and see us? You can join on tour for a while", he said.

"Yeah maybe that", I said and smiled. 

"Ugh Jimmy is trying to carry Zacky and I have a feeling that this will not end well so I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay, tell the guys I said hi and I love you."

"I love you too", he said and hung up. 

I walked over to the fridge and looked for something to eat. It was completely empty… and I didn't have any money. All my money had gone to pay for flowers and stuff for my dads funeral. 

I knew I would have to go back to my job. I worked in a music-store in Camden Town. I had really hoped that I wouldn't have to work there anymore after Warped.

I took a long shower and did my hair and make-up before I called Isabelle. She was the owner of the music-store.

Matt's POV

I sat and watched as Jimmy tried to carry Zacky around in the bus. Why he did that, I didn't know. Brian walked out from the bunk space and looked on Jimmy and Zacky with an amused face. 

"Rev, why are you always doing this? You want to break Johnny's bass again?" he asked and walked over to me and sat down on the couch. 

"Nope, I was thinking about your guitar this time", he said. 

"Lucky me that it's not on the bus then", Syn smiled. 

"You called Amanda?" I asked. 

"Nope, she called me", he grinned. 

"Same shit", I smiled. "How is she?" 

"Hard to say. Not good though. Her voice is just… dead. I know she tries to take it all as good as possible though", he said with a worried look on his face. "It sucks so hard that I can't be with her right now."

"She's not coming back?" I asked. 

"No, she said that she has too much to do home. Probably taking care of all her dad's stuff and all that shit you have to do when someone dies…"

He was gonna say more but was interrupted with a loud sound. Jimmy dropped Zacky, on Johnny. 

"Sorry Short Shit, didn't see you down there", Jimmy teased. 

"Fuck that hurt!" Zacky said. "I got his fucking knee in my neck!" 

"Sorry", Jimmy laughed and went over to us and sat down on the couch him too. 

"Why do you always do that? Seriously" Syn asked. 

"It's funny!", Jimmy exclaimed. 

Brian just shook his head. 

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