Chapter 11

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Amanda's POV

I woke up too early the next day by my phone that ringed. I looked on the clock before I answered, 5:17, great. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Amanda, you have to come home!" my friend Isabelle said. 

"What? Why?" 

"It's your dad. He had another heart attack and it's bad this time", she said. 

I could feel how the blood in my veins froze.

"Amanda? Are you still there?" she asked. 

"Yeah, uhm okay I'm on my way!" I said and hung up. 

Brian had woke up by this point and gave me a confused look. 

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Isabelle. I have to go back to England", I said as I got dressed.

"Why?" he asked.

"My dad is sick", I said. 

"Oh man… Do you want me to come with you?" he asked and pulled me in for a hug.

"No, stay here."

"When will I see you again?" he asked.

"I don't know Bri. I'll call you okay?" I said.

"Sure. I love you", he said and kissed me. 

"I love you too", I said and ran off the bus. 

I ran out on the street and got a cab that drove me to the airport. I called the airport and booked a ticket to the plane that would leave in an hour. 

I went through all the security stuff and got to the gate just as they started to board the plane. The flight would take all day and I had a feeling that it would seem longer than usual.

All I could think of was my father. Man I hoped that I made it in time. I knew deep inside that this was it. This was the moment we had been waiting for. I knew that his heart wouldn't be able to take another heart attack. I just wanted to see him one last time and tell him that I loved him. I didn't want him to die alone. 

I arrived to Heathrow airport a million years later. I took the first cab I could find and it took me to the hospital Isabelle had told me my father was at. 

I checked my phone the first time since I had left America. I had three missed calls and two texts from Brian and one missed call and one text from Cameron. I looked at Cameron's text first.

Call me when you know how he is okay? <3 

My father had always been like a father to Cam and my dad had always seen him like the son he never had. I knew that Cam was probably worrying sick by now. 

I read the text from Brian that asked if I was okay and to call him when I arrived to England. 

I couldn't call him now. I knew that I would probably break down if I talked to him right now and that was the last this I wanted. I wanted to stay strong for my dad. 

I rushed into the ER and found Isabelle sitting in the waiting room with her head in her hands. That told me everything. 

"I'm too late", I said as the tears started to fall. 

Isabelle looked up on me with make-up smeared eyes. "I'm so sorry Amanda", she said. 

I fell down on the floor crying.

This couldn't be true. He couldn't be gone. My only family member, the one I had loved more than anyone in the entire world, the man I had always looked up to. 

Isabelle kneeled down on the floor next to me and held me as I cried and that was where we sat for almost ten minutes. 

My phone started to call. I looked on the display. It was Brian. I decided that I would answer, I needed to hear his voice right now.

"Amanda? Is everything okay?" he asked as soon as I clicked on the answer button.

"He's gone", I cried. "My dad is dead."

Matt's POV

For some reason I felt sad. I didn't know what it was but when I woke up this morning I just felt sad. 

We were getting ready for the concert. Zacky and Johnny had already started to walk to the stage, Jimmy ran around on the bus and sang as loud as he could while Brian called Amanda for the hundred time. 

She had left this morning because of something with her dad, Brian didn't know. I really hoped for her sake that everything was alright. 

"Amanda? Is everything okay?" Syn said in the phone. 

Sadness washed over in his eyes as Amanda talked. 

"I'm so sorry Amanda. Man I wish I was with you right now", he said. 

He walked off the bus so he could hear what she said without Rev's singing. 

Well that was probably bad news.

"Hey Jimbo, come on! We have to go", I said. 

"Okaaaay", Jimmy said and ran off the bus.

Brian hung up the phone and walked over to me.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Amanda's dad just died", he said. 

"Wow really?" 

"Yeah, she's fucking devastated", he said.

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