Chapter 8

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Matt's POV

I woke up the next day by that someone screamed. It sounded like a girl scream so either had one of the guys tricked some girl with them or so was it Jimmy. 

"What the duck? Who the duck is screaming?" Jimmy yelled tired. 

Okay, it wasn't Jimmy them. 

"Calm down Amanda, nothing happened", I heard Brian laugh. 

"How the fuck did I end up in your bunk then?" she asked. 

"You wanted to continue the party and then you got really drunk and passed out here", Brian explained, still laughing.

"Thank you Amanda for waking up the whole damn bus", Zacky groaned.

"Sorry guys", she said and laughed a little. 

I reached over for my phone and looked on the clock, 9 am, great. Thanks a lot Amanda.   

I tried to get back to sleep but couldn't so   I got out from the bunk and walked over to the kitchen where Zacky, Amanda and Brian sat at the table. 

"Morning Shadz", Zacky said.

"Hi", I said and walked over to the coffee maker.

"Tired?" Syn asked.

"What do you think?" I muttered. 

"I take that as a yes", he chuckled. 

"I'm really sorry for waking you guys up", Amanda said.

"It's okay. Why did you scream though?" I asked. 

"Oh nothing", Amanda said and looked down on the table.

"Ha! She thought that we did it", Brian said and laughed.

Amanda glared up at him and then looked down on the table again. "Are you mad at me now for telling them that?" Brian asked and smiled.

"Yes", she said and tried to look angry but failed. 

"No one can stay mad at my smile", Brian sang and smiled bigger. 

Man it was obvious that she liked Brian as much as he liked her. It wouldn't take long until they were a thing. Seriously, they were flirting so much it's sick and they had only known each other for what, three days? 

Oh and seeing your best friend flirt with someone that looked like your mother was just so wrong… 

Jimmy walked out from the bunk space. 

"Nice hair", Amanda laughed at Rev. 

His hair was a total mess, kinda looked like he used to in the early days of A7X.

"Shut up", Jimmy smiled and walked over to the fridge. 

Amanda's POV

Okay so yeah, this morning totally freaked me out.  I mean come on, if you're waking up next to a half naked guy in his bunk you start to wonder how you got there if you can't remember the night before. Maybe I didn't have to scream like I did but that was mostly my first reaction.

Not that I minded seeing Brian without a shirt though ;) 

All I wanted now was that we would arrive to Vegas so I could go back to AA's bus. I was in a desperate need of a shower and fresh clothes. 

"You know, our bus have a shower too", Zacky said when I complained for the seventh time that we wasn't there yet. 

"But I don't have any clothes", I said. 

"We can always find something for you to wear", Brian said and walked over to the bunks. 

He came back after a couple of minutes with a pair of jeans and a tank top in his hands. "Johnny's jeans should probably be the right height for you", he said and grinned.

"Thanks", I said and walked over to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower in case of if some of the guys wanted to use the bathroom. I got dressed in the clothes Brian gave me. The pants was perfect actually, well a little bigger than I used to have, I always had skinny jeans. The tank top was white and had the text Gates on it. It was too big but worked. 

I walked out to the living room again where all the guys sat now. Matt and someone from the Berry twins, I couldn't see who though, were playing Call Of Duty while the other watched. 

I sat down on the couch next to Brian. 

"Better now?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks", I said and smiled. 

"Is that my jeans?" Johnny asked.

"Yep", I said. 

"Well you're welcome", he mumbled.

"Thank you", I sang. 

We sat there the whole day. Playing COD, drinking and talking. We arrived to Vegas around seven that night and decided to have a little BBQ on the parking lot. 

"AMANDA!" Cameron exclaimed when I walked on the bus to change clothes. "Do you know how worried I've been? Why didn't you tell me you spend the night at A7X's bus? I thought we had left you behind in that place we ate dinner yesterday."

"Sorry Cam, I forgot my phone here so I couldn't call", I said and walked over to my suitcase and took some clothes. 

"What are you wearing? Not used to see you in baggy clothes", he said.

"It's Johnny and Brian's clothes. I needed something to wear today", I explained and walked over to the bathroom and changed clothes.

I did my make-up and fixed my hair before I headed outside again. 

I looked over the parking lot, searching for someone I knew. I found Brian and Jimmy talking, or Jimmy talking to Brian while he looked at me with big eyes. I smiled and walked over to them.

We partied the whole night which ended with that yet again was I drunk, well we all was, which resulted with that Brian and I started to make out and well I'm gonna let you guys guess what happened after that. I can say this though, I didn't wake up in my bunk the next morning ;)

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