Chapter 5

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Amanda's POV

I woke up around eight the next day. It was way too early for me but hey, it's Warped… I got dressed in an old tank top I made a couple of years ago with the text Pinkly Smooth over it, I looooved that band, and black jeans shorts. I took my high heeled Iron Fist shoes with sharks and stuff on. I loved them.  

I did my hair and make-up before I headed out to the living room.

"Good morning", Danny said tired. 

"Hi", I said and sat down at the table next to James. "Where's Cameron?" 

"Looking which time we're playing", Ben said. 

"Good", I said.

"So I heard about your little Matt thing yesterday", Danny said and grinned. "You two actually do look alike."

"Who told you?" I muttered.


"When did you talk to him?" 

"They came over last night when you were asleep", Sam explained. 

Cameron came back into the bus. "Amanda, you're on in 30 minutes, we're playing last show." 

"Back to bed it is then!" Danny said and walked back to the bunk area. 

"30 minutes? fuck…" I muttered and walked over to my bunk and got my guitar before I headed out. 

"We're coming with you", Cameron said and him and Sam walked over to me. 

"Which songs are you gonna play?" Sam asked.

"Haven't really decided yet. We'll see", I said and smiled.

That was one thing I liked with performing by myself, I got to make all the decisions about everything. 

We came to the stage five minutes before the concert started. I took the pick Brian gave me yesterday, I felt like it would give me luck. 

Matt's POV

"I'm going out", Brian shouted to everyone at the bus. 

"Where?" Jimmy asked.

"Amanda's performing in a couple of minutes so I'm gonna watch her", Brian said.

"I thought Amanda only was a fan", I said. 

"You did? Nah she plays a little acoustic set. Seriously, her voice is awesome. Why don't you join me?" 

"Sure", I said and walked over to him.

"I'm coming too!" Jimmy exclaimed and ran off the bus. 

We walked over to the stage where Amanda was playing. She had already begun when we came.

"This song is called Hush", she announced and started to play a song. 

This is as quiet as it gets

Hush down now, go to sleep

We were once perfect me and you

"We'll never leave this room

H H H Hush

You colored my eyes red

Your love's not live it's dead

This letters written itself inside out again

When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends 

H H H Hush this is where it ends

This is the calming before the stormThis absolution is always incomplete

It's always bittersweet

H H H Hush

You colored my eyes red

Your love's not live it's dead

This letters written itself inside out again

When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends

H H H Hush this is where it ends

I won't make a sound so you don't wake

Don't wake, don't wake, you don't wake


You colored my eyes red

Your love's not live it's dead

This letters written itself inside out again

When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends

H H H Hush this is where it ends

You colored my eyes red

Your love's not live it's dead

This letters written itself inside out again

When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends

H H H Hush this is where it ends

This is where it ends.

"Whoa, her voice is fucking amazing", Jimmy said. "Can I steal her?" 

He had a huge smile on his face.

It really was amazing. She had a  really unique voice.

"Come on, let's go backstage to Sam and Cameron", I said and pointed over to where they stood. 

"Hi guys", Sam said.

"Hello", Jimmy said. 

"Hi Amanda's clone", Cameron joked.

"Haha really funny", I said. 

Amanda finished her concert and walked off the stage. "Hi guys", she said and smiled big. 

"I saw you using my pick", Brian smiled. 

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind but I won't give it back to you", she said.

"No problem." 

"Wait, wait, wait. Big problem here", Jimmy said and pushed away Brian so he could stand in front of Amanda.

"What's wrong?" she asked with big eyes.

"You haven't heard Avenged Sevenfold but you've heard Pinkly Smooth?" he said and pointed on her shirt that had the text Pinkly Smooth on it.

"Uhm yeah, that's one of my favorite band", she said and didn't seem to understand what Jimmy meant with problem. 

"Do you know who plays in Pinkly Smooth?" he asked.

"Uhm no?" 

"Oh for ducks sake", Jimmy muttered and walked away. "She loves fucking Pinkly but not Avenged", he continued to mutter.

"What's his problem?" Amanda asked.

"He's the singer in Pinkly Smooth", I explained and her jaw almost touched the ground. "And Mr. Flirty over here is the guitarist", I said and pointed on Brian who glared at me.

"Are you kidding me? You're in Pinkly Smooth?" she exclaimed. 

"Yep", Brian said and smiled a little. 

"That's so cool! Oh my god I never thought I would meet the fucking singer and guitarist of that band. Shit!" she said. 

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