Chapter 21

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Matt's POV

The guys went home around midnight but Val, Amanda, Brian and I stayed at my parents house for a while longer. We sat in the living room and talked about everything basically. It was pretty amazing how good Amanda and mom got along after all this. They acted like they haven't spent one minute apart from each other. 

We had a really good time but soon it all changed. Amanda all sudden got really pale and put her hand on her chest. 

No one seemed to notice but of course, I did. "Amanda, what's wrong?" I asked.

Everyone looked at her. "I… I can't breathe", she whispered. 

"What?" Brian asked .

"We have to go to the hospital", Val said. 

Brian helped Amanda stand up when she just fell in her arms. She was unconscious. 

"Mom! Call 911!" I said and walked over to Amanda and Brian. He had laid her down on the floor now and tried to get her to wake up again. 

"Her heart is beating really slow, like barely at all", Brian said and I could see the panic in his eyes. 

I just stood there paralyzed. I didn't know what to do. It took only a minute before the ambulance came. They rushed Amanda to the hospital and Brian went with them. We took a car and drove to the hospital. 

None of us said anything on the way to the hospital. Everyone was too shocked and confused to talk. What just happened? It all had gone so fast that none of us had had the time to think about it. I knew that there was something wrong with her heart. I didn't know how I knew it but I just did. Creepy twin stuff you know. 

I just hoped that there was nothing serious. Maybe was it just something that happened due to the stress about everything. 

We arrived to the hospital and found Brian waiting in the waiting room. He sat with his head in his hands and was shaking his leg up and down faster than I thought was possible. 

"How are she?" mom asked Brian.

"Uhm, she's in surgery now", he said and looked up on us.

"Did they say what happened?" Val asked. 

"Yeah but I didn't understand it. There's something wrong with the heart and they're operating on it now", he said. 

All we could do then was waiting. Time moved too slow when we waited for a doctor to come talk to us. Val fell asleep in my arms after almost an hour. 

"I'm gonna go call the guys", Brian said and walked away.

I felt really sorry for him. He was out of his mind worried. I could only imagine how awful it would feel if it was Val that was in surgery right now. 

The guys came after an hour even though Brian told them that they didn't have to. They loved Amanda like a sister and were all worried about her. 

It took almost four hours until a doctor finally came to talk to us. "Is anyone of you related to Amanda Luna?" 

"We are", mom and I said at the same time. 

"If you two can come with me, I have to talk to you", the doctor said. 

We followed him down the corridor. "Do the family have any history with heart problems?" he asked. 

"Her father recently passed away because of some heart disease", mom said.

"How are the two of you related to Amanda?" he asked.

"I'm her mother and Matthew is her twin brother", mom said. 

"I see. Well we would like to do some tests on you two just to see that your hearts is healthy", he said. 

Amanda's POV

I woke up by a sharp pain in my chest. I opened my eyes. I wasn't in my room. I looked around in the room and found Brian asleep in a chair next to the bed I laid in. I was at the hospital. 

"Brian?" I said. 

"What do you want Amanda?" he asked, still half asleep. 

He then opened his eyes and looked at me with big eyes. "Amanda!" he exclaimed and walked over to me. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"You're heart stopped beating", he said with a concerned look in his eyes. 

"It did?" I asked shocked.

"Uhm yeah they said something about…"

I interrupted him. "I know what's wrong", I mumbled. "I have the same thing as my dad did right?" 

He just nodded and looked down on the floor. "What does that mean really?" he asked.

"It's a disease that makes my heart slowly stop working", I said.

"What?" he asks and looked at me with big eyes. "No… that can't happen." 

"Bri, it will happen. But don't worry. My dad lived with it for over twenty years and I can live even longer than that", I said.

"There is also the chance that you won't live that long", he said. 

"I know", I said.

"This can't be true", Brian mumbled.

"It is Brian, we just have to accept the fact that this will happen", I said.

"How the fuck can you be so calm? It's your life Amanda!" he said and I could hear on his voice that he was starting to get angry.

"Because I know that there is nothing we can do to prevent this from happening", I said.

"There has to be!" he said.

"But there isn't Brian", I said.

"Let's just not talk about this right now", he said and bent down to kiss me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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