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*Amila's pov*

Today I was taking the kids to see Charlie, who calls them his nieces and nephews

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Today I was taking the kids to see Charlie, who calls them his nieces and nephews. He keeps bugging me about seeing them, so I'm taking Jacob and Riley along. Thank goodness I bought a big van, because if not then there wouldn't have been any room. Plus, with the kids distracted I could go to my meeting with this Jenks guy. When we pulled up to Charlie's, I see him and Sue outside. I got out of the car while my kids ran to him, I smiled.

Me: "Hey, I'll be back. I just got to run some errands."

Charlie: "That's okay. Are you taking Jahoznia with you?"

I looked at my youngest son, who looks like he's five now. He was sleeping.

Me: "Yeah, we'll be back."

Charlie: "Okay."

He looked at my kids with a big smile.

Charlie: "Come on, we have a tree to put up."

I watched them go inside the house then I drove to the restaurant. When I got there I got Jahoznia out of his carseat. I smiled at him because he was wide awake, and looking around with a smile on his face.

Jahoznia: "Mommy,I'm hungry."

Me: "I'll get you something in a minute. Mommy's got to meet someone, so you have to be good. Okay?"

Jahoznia: "Yes! I'll be good."

I chuckled at his excitement then picked him up. I walked into the restaurant with him on my hip, I was quickly showed to the table when I said who I was meeting. I smiled when I saw a man stand up to greet me, this must be Mr. Jenks.

Jenks: "Mrs. Cullen."

Me: "Hello."

Jenks: "Who is this charming young man?"

I chuckled when Jahoznia smiled and waved at Mr. Jenks.

Me: "This is my youngest son, Jahoznia."

I'm glad we were in a private area in the restaurant because I won't have alot of people staring at me.

Jenks: "I'm so happy you called."

A waiter got a high chair and some crayons for Jahoznia to color with. I took out a little coloring book for him to color on. I thanked the waiter then sat down, Jenks pushed in my chair for me.

Me: "Thank you."

He kept smiling while sitting down.

Jenks: "I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable than the office."

I smirked because of the meaning behind it.

Me: "And it's more public."

Jenks just chuckles.

Me: "So, I'm curious. What type of work do you do, J?"

Jenks: "Oh, you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting."

A waitress brought out some chips and a glass of water. I put some chips on a plate for Jahoznia, which he smiled while taking a bite of one. I looked back at Jenks.

Me: "Have you known Alice and Jasper long?"

Jenks: "I've been working with them for more than 20 Years. And my late partner knew Jasper 15 Years before that. He is, uh, unusually well-preserved."

Me: "He definitely is."

Jenks: "I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation."

Me: "He didn't by any chance tell you where he was going, did he?"

Jenks: "No, no,no, he just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order."

Me: "Is his order ready?"

Jenks: "Of course. I've never been later with a delivery."

He slides me an envelope then looks around. I opened the envelope and inside were seven passports, one for each of my kids, along with Jacob, Leah and Riley. I couldn't help but feel worried.

Jenks: "Is there a problem?"

Me: "No. I just thought that me and my husband would travel with the kids."

Jenks: "Jasper clearly said that only seven were traveling. His instructions were very clear."

I shook my head.

Me: "Don't worry about it. It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen."

We talked for a while more while my son ate his dinner. And on the way back home I stopped at a small spot near the woods. I saw a clearing, so I let Jahoznia play around while I watched him while thinking. I know now how Alice's vision ends. My kids would have a future. But Edward and I wouldn't be a part of them. After I few minutes I picked him up and went back to pick up my other kids. When we got to the house all four kids ran to their dad, who smiled while picking up Jahoznia.

Edward: "How are you four doing?"

They told him about everything, I know he wouldn't know about my meeting Jenks because Jahoznia I was coloring. I smiled when Edward and my kids smiled at me. I went to another room and packed a bag full of money. I wrote four letters to each of my kids and put them in the bag. Alister came in.

Alister: "It's a romantic notion, isn't it? That a righteous few can defy a great evil. I must admit, you even had me believing. For a moment."

He chuckles.

Alister: "Well, good luck. You're gonna need it."

I watch as he walks away.

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