At The Cullens

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*3rd pov*

At the Cullen household,Carlisle,Emmett and Jasper were watching the news.Just then Edward and Amila walked in while Carlisle was talking.

Just then Edward and Amila walked in while Carlisle was talking

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Carlisle: "It's getting worse.We're going to have to do something."

Jasper: "It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting.Quite a few more.And they're undisciplined,conspicuous."

Edward looked at the worried.

Edward: "It's newborns."

Amila looked confused because Edward never told her about newborn vampires before.

Amila: "What, like new vampires?"

Edward: "In the first few months after the change."

Jasper: "That's when we're at our most uncontrollable.Vicious.Insane with thirst."

Carlisle: "You didn't go through that because you were already a hybrid.You already had control of your thirst."

Jasper: "No one's trained these newborns,but this isn't random."

Carlisle: "Someone's creating an army."

Emmett got all excited and got off the couch.

Emmett: "Well, now we're definitely going to Seattle."

Amila looked around.

Amila: "An army of your type of vampires?"

Jasper: "And they've been created to fight someone."

Edward: "We're the only clan even close to Seattle."
*Amila's pov*

I stood there next to Edward, I couldn't help but worry.

Carlisle: "Regardless of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will.I'm surprised they let it go on this long."

Edward: "Maybe they're behind it.Last time I saw Aro, I read his mind.He wants me and Alice to join him, but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive."

Jasper: "An army could solve that for him."

I watched Carlisle get up.

Carlisle: "We will talk about it later, right now I have to talk to Edward and Amila."

He walked to us, and when I looked at Edward, he had a little smile on his face.
*Edward's pov*

I couldn't believe what the pack's idea was, they think Amila couldn be pregnant.I wouldn't mind that,to see her belly grow with our child inside.When we finally got to his office,Amila sat down on the medical bed.I was behind her.

Carlisle: "Now, the pack has an idea of what is wrong with you.They think you could be pregnant."

I watched Amila's face go from worry to pure happiness.

Amila: "Is that why my clothes haven't been fitting?"

Carlisle: "Most likely.But we are about to find out."

He got out an ultra sound, and pulled up her shirt a little.Then he put the gel on her stomach,which seemed to look a little bigger.Anyway, when he looked at it, we stopped when we heard a heart beat besides Amila's.

Carlisle: "Well, it seems the packs theory was right.Amila, your pregnant.Congratulations."

I laughed when Amila squealed.I feel like I'm day dreaming, I'm going to a father.I have always wanted a family on my own, I kissed Amila's lips smiling.

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