Edward And Amila Day

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*Amila's pov*

(Still in the woods)

I am looking up at Edward, who just jumped into a tree.

Edward: "My family,we're different from others of our kind.We only hunt animals.We've learned to control our thirst.Bella scent is strong.But it's you, your scent, it's like a drug to me."

Hell,I may have a mental shield,but he is taking the word's right out of my mouth.As he leant down closer to me,the more I wanted.And with that knot, I just remembered that my being in heat is next week.I couldn't stop watching him.

Edward: "You're like my own personal brand of heroin."

He ran down to the lower branch, so I went to him.Our faces were inches away from each other.

Edward: "My thirst for your blood, it isn't that bad because you aren't human all the way..But it's-it's my need to touch you, be near you.I don't know if I can control that need for you."

I climbed the tree, causing Edward to back up.

Me: "You're not the only one feeling that need.I feel it too, and I know you can.Both of us can."

He helped me climbed down to the ground,I stood with my back against a boulder.

Edward: "I can't read your mind."

While he continues to talk, he puts his hands on both side's of my face.

Edward: "You have to tell me what you are thinking."

I move my hands to his waist.

Me: "My one fear, is losing you.I feel like you're going to disappear."

We just stared at each other.

Edward: "You don't know how long I've waited for you."

I closed my eye's,because he had his right hand on my heart.

Edward: "So the lion fell in love with the lamb."

I smiled.

Me: "What a stupid lamb."

That caused him to smile.

Edward: "What a sick, masochistic lion."

Me: "Oh, there is something I have been thinking about more."

Edward: "What's that?"

Me: "This."

I pushed my lips to his,and he didn't hesitate to kiss me back."He is such a good kisser,and he is sexy as hell" I thought.When I pulled away, I could tell that he didn't want me to.

Edward: "I like that thought."

Me: "I bet."

He took my hand,and we walked to a beautiful meadow.

Edward: "I found this when I went hunting last week..The only one's that know it's here, are you and me."

Me: "So...it's our meadow?"

He smiled and shook his head yes.So we sat down and talked,I told him all about how I got bit by a werewolf,were I got kidnapped by them,my friend Selene biting me after I was shot by bullets that had melted silver in them.Everything,at first he was shocked about me being the only person that can survive both bits.We laid down, just looking at each other,he held my hand and kissed it.When the sun came out, his skin started to sparkle.I smiled, while running my right hand along his face.

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