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*Amila's pov*

It's been four days since I found out about my pregnancy, and Carlisle says that my baby is growing fast.He said I am about three month's along,but my belly looks bigger then what it should be.At first I thought I was carrying twins but he told me that I am carrying just one.

But anyway,since my belly is growing faster then normal they are making me do homeschooling

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But anyway,since my belly is growing faster then normal they are making me do homeschooling....I know,sucks right?.I just finished the homework that Carlisle gave me.Each day is something different,with a different teacher.Jasper is teaching me History,Science with Carlisle,Math with Emmett,Chemistry with Alice,Culinary with Esme,Rosalie is teaching about cars, and my favorite...MUSIC! And not just because my teacher is my fiance ether.Ok back to my baby,which everyone is excited for, even the pack.Edward is more excited then everyone else,he wanted to stay with me at the house but Carlisle and Esme wouldn't allow it.Meanly because Esme would be here, but he still worries because of the Newborn army.They want me to stay with Billy while they go to Seattle,which causes me to worry.But anyway,I am currently sitting on the couch watching a Big Bang Theory marathon.Esme just came in the living room,smiling like always.

Esme: "Is there anything you would like,dear?"

I looked at her smiling.

Me: "Some blood, please."

Esme: "Ok, I'll be right back."

She left to get my cup of blood,which I crave alot.While she did that I looked at the clock, it said 11:30 so they would be at lunch.After I drank the blood Esme gave me, I fell asleep.
*Edward's pov*

Finally,the day is over.I missed my Amila so much,I can't wait to see her and that pregnant belly of hers.It is still hard to believe that I am going to be a father,I thought I lost all my chances of having a family of my own.Bella didn't leave me alone all day, it is very annoying.So when I got home,I headed straight for our room.We decided to wait until the baby is born before we get married.Once I got there I quality opened the door,and smiled because my Amila was asleep on our bed.

Once I got there I quality opened the door,and smiled because my Amila was asleep on our bed

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I quickly changed into something else,then when I crawled into bed.She let go of the pillow she was hugging,then she wrapped her arm's around me and I did the same.I kissed her head.

Me: "I love you, my Amila."

I smiled while putting my right hand on her growing belly.

Me: "I love you too,little one."

I guess you can say I became Amila's pillow,though I'm not complaining.

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