Visiting Jacob

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*Amila's view*

Me and Selene just got to Billy's house,I ran to Billy.My belly grew two more month's worth.My stomach is really big now,any I pulled Billy into a hug.

Me: "Hey."

I jumped when I heard Jacob scream,Billy held my hand tight.

Quil: "It's been going on for a while."

Embry: "Doc's re-breaking his bones."

Leah: "Why did he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick."

Selene hugged Paul.

Paul: "Give it a rest,Leah."

We stood there in silence for a few seconds before Carlisle and Sam walks out of the house.

Carlisle: "The worst is over.He'll be all right."

We all looked relieved.

Carlisle: "I gave him some morphine,but his body temperature will burn it off soon.I'll be back to set up a drip."

When he began to walk away Billy stopped him.

Billy: "Thank you."

They shook hands then he looked at me.

Carlisle: "He's asking for you."

Then he left,after I hugged Billy I walked inside.I looked at Jake in his bed,he looked so helpless.

Me: "Hey,Jake."

Jake: "Hey."

I pulled a seat next to his bed,I would have knelt down but I couldn't.

Jake: "I was worried about you."

I gave him a soft smile.

Me: "You were worried about me?"

Jake: "Yeah.I guessed Edward would read my thoughts."

Me: "Yeah,that sounds like him."

He smiled then his eyes went wide when he saw my belly.

Jake: "Okay,ether your belly grew or I'm seeing thing's."

I laughed.

Me: "No,my belly grew..I am guessing I'll give birth anyday now,considering how fast he or she is growing."

Jake: "Are you sure you're carrying just one?"

Me: "Probably not....but hey.No more scaring me like that,okay?"

Jake: "I'll try not to."

I smirked while he smiled.

Me: "You sound just like your dad."

Jake: "Thanks."

I laughed then talked to him some more.I stayed with him until he fell asleep,then I went back to the Cullen's main house.Once I got there Edward picked me up and put me in bed,I sighed.

Me: "I'm on bed rest now,aren't I?"

Edward smirked.

Edward: "Doctors orders."

He climbed into bed with me after I got dressed,then fell right to sleep.

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