Immortal Children

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*3rd pov*

It's been two days since their son has been born and he looks like he is three

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It's been two days since their son has been born and he looks like he is three.Carlisle found out that the triplets will stop ageing after five years of being born.They don't know about Jahoznia yet because he is ageing faster then his siblings.Right now Amila and Edward are taking their kids to a cafe for a part of their family day.The triplets still look twelve years old,and are passionately standing in line with their parents.

Amila: "Ok,my little lovely's.What do you want?"

Edward chuckled at their kid's then turning to the three year old boy in his arm's.They were to focus on their kid's to see a figure standing there watching them.The person followed them to a clearing and watched them.Edward took Jahoznia back to the main house and came back with Jacob and Leah in their wolf forms,along with Riley.The five of them watched the kids catch snowflakes.They ran up their parents and showed them the snowflakes they caught.

Elizabeth: "Look,mommy. We caught some snowflakes."

Amila: "Their beautiful.Why don't you three get some more."

Amila and Edward watch as their children jumped up into the air.Elizabeth went alittle higher then looked straight ahead when she sensed someone staring at them.

Elizabeth went alittle higher then looked straight ahead when she sensed someone staring at them

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All three ran behind their parents.

Casper: "Who's that?"

All of them looked and saw Bella standing there,they looked closer and saw that she was a vampire.

All of them looked and saw Bella standing there,they looked closer and saw that she was a vampire

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Edward: "Someone we went to school together."

Amila: "Bella!"

She ran to try and talk to her but she jumped into the water before she got there.They left and talked to the rest of the family,they all thought that Bella wanted to come to them for help to control her thirst but changed her mind.So they listened to Edward play the piano. Meanwhile in Italy,Bella walks into Voltura and stopped in front of them.

Aro: "What a pleasant surprise."

Caius: "What do you want?Hmm?"

She sighs then speaks.

Bella: "I have to report a crime.The Cullens...."

That name caught Aro's attention.

Bella: "They've done something terrible."

Aro closed his book and rushed to her teaching for her hand.

Aro: "Allow me,my dear."

He took her hand and looked into her mind,he looked taken back at what he saw.

Aro: "Oh,my."

Meanwhile back at the Cullen's house,everyone was watching Renessme play the piano with her dad.Jahoznia was asleep,Casper stood with his Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Emmett,Elizabeth watched Esme and Carlisle play chess.Alice walked holding flowers but stopped when brought into a vision.She saw all the Volturi and Bella coming to get them,after that she gasped and dropped the vase.Jasper rushed over to her.

Jasper: "What is it,Alice?"

Alice: "The Volturi. They'er coming for us.Aro,Caius,Marcus,the Guard..And Bella."

Amila held her arm out to Renessme.

Amila: "Come here,sweetheart."

Carlisle: "Why?"

Everyone was thinking but then it clicked in Edwards mind.

Edward: "You know how we told you that we saw Bella?"

Esme: "Of course."

Edward: "She thinks the triplets are immortal children."

Amila: "What?"

They all sat in the library with Amila and Selene,who she called after the vision.Both were looking at a book Carlisle gave them.

Carlisle: "The Immortal Children were very beautiful.So enchanting.To be near them was to love them.But their development was frozen at the age they were turned.They couldn't be taught or restrained.A single tantrum could destroy an entire village.Humans heard about the devastation.Stories spread.The Volturi were forced to intervene.Since the children couldn't protect our secret,they had to be destroyed...Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them.Long-established covens were torn apart.Countless humans slaughtered.Traditions,friends,even families.Lost."

Selene: "Who would do that to a child?"

Emmett: "Our cousins in Alaska.Their mother made one."

Amila: "So the Denalis mother made an immortal child?"

Carlisle: "Yes.And she paid the price."

Amila was starting to get angry.

Amila: "Well,my triplets are nothing like those children.They were born,not bitten.They grow everyday."

Riley: "So can't we just explain it to Volturi?"

Edward shook his head.

Edward: "Aro has enough proof in Bella's thoughts."

Jacob: "So we fight."

Jasper: "Their offensive weapons are too powerful.No one can stand against Jane."

Alice: "Alec's even worse."

Amila: "Then we convince them."

Emmett: "They're coming to kill us,not to talk."

Edward: "No,you're right.They won't listen to us.But maybe others can convince them.Carlisle,you have friends all around the world."

Carlisle: "I won't ask them to fight."

Selene: "Not fight.Witness.If enough people knew the truth,maybe we can convince the Volturi to listen.I even have some friends that can help."

Emmett: "Won't they burn up if they come during the day?"

Amila smirked at her idea.

Amila: "I got that covered."

Everyone turned to Carlisle but Esme had to convince him.

Esme: "We can ask this of our friends."

After that everyone started to pack.

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