Final Battle Part 3

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*Selene's pov*

I walk around looking for my team, but suddenly I was being shot at.So I went behind a wall.

Me: "Hold it! Oh, fuck."

Two of the guards come out.

Me: "Where is he?"

Guard: "He went through there."

He pointed down the hall.

Me: "Where is Paul and Edward?"

Lead Guard: "They are protecting the girl."

Me: "Good."

I looked down the hall where William is.

Guard: "All we have are UV rounds.They won't be enough to take him down."

I walk down the hall.

Me: "No, but they'll slow him down.Besides,we need to get him to Wendy safe and sound."

We start crossing a bridge, then one of the guard's leg fell through it.But I caught him before he could fall through.I pulled him up.

Me: "Let's go."

Lead Guard: "You all right?"

We looked and saw William behind him, but before we could say anything.William bites him, causing the lead to shot the other guard in the shoulder.William knocked the lead guard off the bridge,then drags the other guard to him.I grab my guns and start shooting him, I was hoping to knock him unconscious.
*Amila's pov*

I sat up quickly and quietly,then look out the window when I heard an explosion.I gently got up and faced the door to the helicopter.I heard the guards flying it.

Guard: "What are you waiting for? Shot them!"

Guard2: "I can't.Not without taking her out.I can't get a shot."

I noticed the guard holding the gun look at the empty body bag.Then he looks at me, by then I'm fully in my fighting form.I saw my sister getting corned by the Lycan's, but I also saw Edward beside Paul's wolf form protecting a red head woman.I ran and grabbed a wire that was hanging down,while jumping out of the helicopter.When I landed,I ran and punched my hand through one of the Lycan's.Selene shots the other one.She then looks at me shocked.

Selene: "Amila."

I walked to her and hugged her.

Selene: "Don't kill William.We found his mate."

Before I could reply, William jumped on me.He through me against the stairs,smashing them.Suddenly the helicopter crash's and destroys the bridge.I saw William look at it,then I looked at the red hair girl.I smirked because I was going to lead him to her."I will use my mind power,but first it's payback for turning those guards" I thought, so with that said in my head, I went up to him and smacked his face.
*3rd person's pov*

While Amila try's and leads William to Wendy, Selene was busy battling Marcus.And after ALOT of Amila being thrown around,she finally got enough strength for her power to work.Amila talks to William in his head.

Amila: "William?Can you hear me? If you can hear me, then look at me."

He looks at Amila, who smiles.

Amila: "I know you feel alone, but there as always been one person who would always visit you here.The voice you thought of an angel."

He wimpers while looking down.

Amila: "I know where you can find your angel."

He then looks at her,with hope in his eye's.

Amila: "She is right behind those the pale guy and big wolf.They are protecting her, would you like to see her?"

William walks over to Amila slowly,and she slowly walks William to Wendy.But while she does that, Selene has Marcus near the moving pillars of the helicopter.After his hand was cut off, he tried to call William.

Marcus: "William!"

But William couldn't hear, so Marcus pushed one of his wings into Selene's stomach.Of course that got Paul's attention.

Marcus: "I knew Viktor a mistake by keeping you as a pet..He should have killed you with the rest of your family."

That pissed her off, she ripped the wing off and out of her.Then dodged every attack, then shoved the broken piece of wing into Marcus's head, then she through him into the moving pillars.Nothing remains of him now, and almost admittedly Paul runs up near her.Amila walks over to Edward,who couldn't stop smiling because his mate is alive.
*Edward's pov*

I couldn't believe it,my mate is alive! And she is back where she belongs,in my arm's.With that said, I couldn't help but kiss her.

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