In The Woods

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*3rd person's pov*

After school the couple started walking through the woods.Amila couldn't help but be curious about their type of vampires.

Amila: "So, does a person have to be become your type?"

Edward: "No, that's just Carlisle..He'd never do this to someone who had another choice."

Amila: "So, how long have you been like this?I've been like this for about 60 year's."

Edward smirks, then it leaves his face.

Edward: "Since 1918..That's when Carlisle found me dying of Spanish influenza."

Amila: "What was it like? Is it like ours?"

Edward: "The venom was excruciating.But what Carlisle did was much harder.Not many of us have the restraint to do that."

They were sitting down,under a big tree because it was raining.Amila was curled up to him,with his arm's wrapped around her.

Amila: "But didn't he just have to bite?'

Edward: "Not, exactly...When we taste human blood, a sort of frenzy begins,and it's almost impossible to stop."

Amila: "But Carlisle did."

Edward: "First with me and then with his wife, Esme."

Amila: "So my love, is Carlisle the real reason that you don't kill people?"

It stopped raining by now, and they are just watching the water.

Edward: "No, he's not the only reason.I don't want to be a monster..My family,we think of ourselves as vegetarians,right,'cause we only survive on the blood of animals.But it's...It's like a human only living on tofu.It keeps you strong, but you're never fully satisfied."

Amila: "Sounds like your type of vampire is kind of like mine."

Edward: "A little.Now it wouldn't be like drinking your blood,for instance."

Amila smiled but stopped.

Amila: "Was it your type of vampires that killed Waylon? Or my type."

Edward: "Mine.There are others out there,and we run into them from time to time."

Amila looked at him smiling.

Amila: "So, can the rest of your family read people's mind like you can?"

She started seeing him get nervous.

Edward: "No.That's just me.But Alice can see the future."

Amila: "I bet she saw me coming,but I don't know because I sometimes block my future from being seen."

Edward: "Alice's vision is subjective.I mean, the future can always change.But, I'm glade your in mine."

He got up after giving her a kiss.

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