Facing Marcus

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*3rd person's pov*

Marcus did find Bella, and talked to her.He never knew that a different type of vampire was even possible.Bella told Marcus everything, even asked him to kill Amila.Marcus was only after one thing, the key around the hybrid's neck.But after awhile he left to find the girls, and the two couples where still in the safehouse.Selene was handing Amila somw guns, while the guy's looked at their mate's like they don't want them to go.

Selene: "If I plead my case, there's a chance you three will be granted sanctuary.Right now, you'll be killed on sight.Only one of you is bullet proof.I'm not prepared to risk it."

Edward: "What are we supposed to do, wait?"

Paul: "Kraven may still have men with him.You're not going alone."

Selene: "I won't be alone."

She looks at Amila, and smiles.Then she walk over to her, while talking to the guys.

Selene: "Amila's unique.There's never been a hybrid before.However ambivalent you two feel about it, her power's could keep both of us safe."

Both guy's agreed, and kissed their love's.
After a few minutes of walking, the girl's stopped when they heard flapping sounds.

Amila: "What's that?"

Selene: "We need to go.Call the guy's, tell them to meet us near the road at the end of town."

And Amila did as she was told while running.After they stopped, but when they looked back, they saw the one thing Selene feared...

Selene: "Marcus."

Marcus: "I know what you've done, Selene."

Selene: "Viktor deserved his fate and Kraven was no better."

Marcus said while walking to them.

Marcus: "Kraven has already reaped the rewards of his own misdeeds.And Viktor...Viktor deserved his fate..many times over.A terrible business..the slaying of your family.Yet so much effort was spent to conceal this matter from me..What do you suppose Viktor had to hide?.Or perhaps it is you, Selene..as the last of your wretched family, who has something to hide."

All of a sudden,he had Selene up against a rock.He was about to bite her, but was stopped by Amila shooting him.When he fell, Selene looked at her friend.

Selene: "Go!"

They started running,but stopped when they saw the guy's.

Edward: "What's wrong?"

Amila: "We'll explain later."

After they stole a truck, and the guy's in the car in the back.They calmed down a little, but the peace wasn't to last.Amila was in the back of the truck, looking around but got into fighting position.The guy's watched in shock as a creature with bat like features slamed against Amila.The two started fighting,after a few punches, Marcus tried to grab the gold necklace around her neck.Both had a hand on each other's neck, Selene saw him slam Amila against the boards and ripped off the necklace.She didn't waste anytime, she took out her gun and shot him...But didn't kill him, he just dropped the necklace and he also knocked Amila off the truck.But luckily she grabbed a chain, now Marcus flew to the side of the truck.He grabbed Selene.

Marcus: "Dead or alive, you will give me what I want."

She shot him in the head, and a few more time's.As soon as she saw Amila was back on the truck, she rammed the side of the truck Marcus was on against the mountain.Amila watched Marcus fall to the floor, but also watched their men run over him.Edward and Paul abandoned the car, and jumped in the back with Amila.Edward hugged her, then she went to sit next to Selene.The guy's sat in the back.

Edward: "He's a hybrid,isn't he?"

Selene: "Yes."

Amila held up Lucian's necklace.

Amila: "He wanted this.Why?"

Selene: "I don't know."

Selene looked at the sky.

Selene: "But we have another problem."

All three saw the sun coming up.Amila saw a path.

Amila: "Turn off up here."

The sun hit Selene, and her hands started to burn, along with some of her face.

Amila: "Shit.All right, get down."

She looked at the guy's,who looked at them in concerned faces.

Amila: "Find me a blanket!"

She quickly cover Selene with her body, and took the wheel.

Amila: "Keep your foot on the gas, but stay down."

They drove the path to a building.

Amila: "Hold on!"

They rammed the gate, and the building.They stopped inside the building.

Amila: "Stay down."

Selene quickly put her head back down.Amila and the guy's got off the truck.Amila passed a blanket to Paul.

Amila: "Put this over the front of the truck."

While he did that Edward locked the door, while Amila started throwing paint over the window.

Amila: "Get her inside there!"

Paul had another blanket with him, then opened the door.

Paul: "Come on."

After Edward and Amila got done, they turned around and saw Paul run out of the storage box.

Amila: "Do you think he knows that she will be healed in a few seconds?"

Edward: "No,he just wants to make sure."

They couple smirkes, while watching Paul run back in the storage box.

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