First Day Of School

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Today is my first day of school,I can't wait.I took a shower and got dressed, then drove to school.

When I got there I saw everybody staring at my car, I rolled eyes in annoyance because I hated it when I'm the center of attention

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When I got there I saw everybody staring at my car, I rolled eyes in annoyance because I hated it when I'm the center of attention.I got out of my car, and walked to the office ignoring the whistling.When I got to the office I saw a woman dancing in her seat, I had to put one of my hands over my mouth to stop me from laughing.But she stopped when she saw me.

Woman: "May I help you?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm Amila Carson."

Woman: "Oh, Ms.Carson."

She smiled at me while handing me my schedule.I saw her name is Ms.Applbum.

Ms.A: "You have to make sure you're teachers sign this slip, and then return it to the office after school."

Me: "Will do."

I took the slip and my schedule then walked out.



During the day I actually made some friends.My friends name's are Mike, Eric, Angela and Jessica,but their friend Bella I don't like.She kept trying to talk about herself and all her problems.They were all talking about prom and surfing,I just kept looking around.I looked at the door and saw a couple walking outside, I knew they were vampire's but they don't seem like the one's that bit me.I wanted to know more so I looked at Angela and said.

Me: "Who are they?"

They all looked at the door.

Angela: "The Cullens."

Jessica: "They're Dr. and Mrs.Cullen's foster kids.They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago."

Angela: "They kinda keep to themselves."

Jessica: "Yeah,'cause they're all together.Like, together,together.Um..The blonde girl, that's Rosalie,and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett,they're,like, a thing."

I looked at the couple who actually looked at me and smiled."That was weird" I thought.

Angela: "Jess, they're not actually related."

Jessica: "Yeah, but they live together.It's weird."

Me: "I've seen weirder."

I looked at the couple when I said that and it just made them smile more.

Jessica: "Oh,okay,the little dark-haired girl's Alice.She's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain."

"I can only imagine"I thought.

Jessica: "Dr.Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker."

Me: "I think he maybe just good at a judge of character."

Angela: "Maybe he'll adopt me."

I laughed at her comment.Soon all three of us were laughing,Bella just kind of sat there looking at the window.So I followed her gaze, and saw a very handsome guy, with bronze hair.

Me: "Who's he?"

Jessica: "That's Edward Cullen.He's totally gorgeous,obviously,but apparently nobody here's good enough for him.Like I care, you know?"

Me: "How many time's did he shut you down?"

I looked at her about to laugh but I held it in.

Angela: "Ten time's."

I smiled and looked at this Edward Cullen,and I saw him looking at me.I turned around and saw Bella looking angry.

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