- Forty Eight -

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Tyler wasn't here.

You woke up in the middle of the night, because Tyler was no longer next to you.

You sit up and look at the empty bed.

Getting up, you look in the bathroom.

Not there.

Kitchen (sink).

Not there.

He's not even in the condo.

The moon illuminated the room, giving you a little light.

Your cold hand opened the knob to the deck.

Tyler wasn't on the deck.

Getting worried by now, you look over the railing, and the view of the ocean.

There he was.

He was standing by the water, enjoying the view.

"Tyler, what are you doing?" You hollered, adjusting your shirt and rushing down the stairs.

Breathlessly, you caught up to Tyler.

"Tyler," You said his name and put your hand on his shoulder.

He turned and faced you.

You couldn't figure out his face.

His eyes were open, but he definitely not awake.

It was just a big blur, you couldn't figure out his emotions.

"What's wrong?" You asked, walking over to face him.


You stood over in shock as he started walking towards the water.

It is your dream.

But this time, you weren't sleeping.

"Tyler," You said sharply, trying to keep up with his fast marching.

"Tyler!" Your eyes welled with tears as your feet were in the water, you tried to grab him, but he was too fast.

He marched on.

"Please Tyler," You begged, tugging on the back of his shirt.

The water was now up to your hips.

Tyler slowed down due to the heavy water pressuring his feet, so you caught up with him.

You could tell he was struggling with maintaining balance, he was tilting a little.

"Tyler," You said sternly, grabbing onto his shoulder.

The water was now up to your chest.

You gripped Tyler's arm, trying to slow him down.

He must've been in a deep sleep, because he went on.

"Wake up, please!" You begged, hitting his arm lightly.

You gasped as seaweed touched your feet, making it harder to stand.

The water was now up to your chin.

"Tyler!" You yelped as you gasped for air.

Being a few good inches taller than you, Tyler the water was only up to his neck.

Your feet no longer touched the sand.

Kicking your legs, your tried to keep up with him.

The water was now up to his chin.

If he doesn't wake up, his sleeping state is not going to know how to tolerate water in his mouth.

Using your little bit of strength, you dipped your head in the water and swam in front of Tyler.

"Tyler, please!" You cried, tears falling off of your face.

You took his shoulders and shook them violently, trying to wake him up.

Tyler blinked multiple times.

He shook his head slightly, now waking up.

He looked around him, processing where he was at and what was happening.

Tyler then looked into your eyes.

"Pretty..?" His little voice croaked.

This time, his eyes started to fill with tears.

He grabbed you by the sides, holding you up so you didn't have to swim anymore.

"I-I promised you, I promised this wouldn't happen," He cried in the crook of your neck.

"Tyler, let's just get back to shore," You whispered.

Tyler nodded vigorously and led you to the sandy beach.

When you got back to land, you quickly walked back to the condo, your brain not yet realizing what happened.

You heard Tyler calling your name and running after you as you entered the condo.

You sat in the dining room chair, bringing your knees to your chest.

Your now shaky hands ran through your wet hair.

Tyler entered the room breathlessly and looked at you with eyes full of sorrow, guilt, and confusion.

"I'm so sorry, I am- I am so sorry," He cried in front of you.

"Don't talk to me, Tyler," You said sharply and walked to the bathroom.

You flipped on the lights and locked the door.

You can't see Tyler,

Just not now.

Tyler knocked, and tried the knob.

"Please, I'm sorry, just please talk to me," He begged.

You didn't say anything back.

You could tel Tyler was sitting outside the bathroom door, just waiting for you to come out.

And you must've slept in the bathroom, without Tyler.

『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Where stories live. Discover now