- Thirty One -

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Yoyoyo it's yo homegirl- tissues ready?

Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of your boyfriend sleeping next to you, and the light seeping through the blinds.

Squinting your eyes, you look at the alarm clock next to you.

9:46 a.m.

Smiling contently, you shifted towards Tyler, who was still asleep.

His long eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks as he slept peacefully, slowly breathing in and out.

"Tyler..." You groaned, resting your head on his shoulder.

Tyler's eyes opened, and you saw his face slowly light up as he saw you.

"Hey, pretty," He said, yawning and stretching.

You rested your chin on his chest, looking into his brown eyes, "How did you sleep?"

"Good," He said, still smiling.

"That's good," You say back.

Tyler tucked some loose strands of your hair behind your ear, still looking into your eyes. He loved you so, so much.

He didn't even know if you could see it yet.

You leaned over and gave Tyler a lingering kiss on the cheek, "Wanna make breakfast?"

"Sure," He starts, you start to get up and walk towards the kitchen, "No, no. I will make breakfast for my pretty. You can relax," Tyler said, walking up to you.

"Okay," You laughed, "If you say so!"

Tyler quickly kissed your forehead and walked into the kitchen.

You were busy upstairs, making the bed and such.

Tyler turned on the burner, putting the pan on it and cracking open some eggs.

Empty sky.

Tyler slammed his fist down on the table, breathing heavily.

"You okay, Ty?" You called from upstairs.

"All good, I just dropped some appliances!" Tyler shouted back frantically.

Tyler sighed, trying to shake the thoughts out of his head.

You're just an empty sky.

Tyler breathed, heavily.

No, I'm not, I'm not an empty sky.

Calmly, Tyler sat down trying to take the edge off of his mind.


"Yes she does," Tyler gritted his teeth.

Tyler, breathe.

He inhaled...


Who can love an empty sky?

"She can, and she does, she always will, she promised," Tyler brought his knees to his chest, crying.

Will she? Will she keep her promise?

"Yes s-she will," Tyler sobbed.

She just feels sorry for you, just like everyone else. She deserves someone other than yo-

"SHE LOVES ME," Tyler screamed at the top of his lungs, rocking back and forth, "SHE DOES, SHE LOVES ME, SHE LOVES ME!"

You came flying down the stairs, "Tyler? Tyler!" You see he's on the kitchen floor, sobbing hand having troubles breathing.

Quickly, you got a glass of water, and ran to Tyler's side.

"Tyler, breathe..." You say calmly, handing him the glass of water.

Tyler's shaky hands grabbed the glass of water, and drank it down.

Sitting by his side, you wrapped your arms around him, and held him close to you.

Tyler needed you.

He cried softly in your hair, and held you close also.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?" You ask, almost in a whisper.

Tyler wiped away some tears, and sighed,

"They told me I'm an empty sky."

Running your fingers though his hair, you listen intently.

"An empty sky?" You ask.

"Y-Yes," Tyler started, "They say you deserve better than me."

You let out a small gasp in shock, but it was inaudible to Tyler.

"Deserve better? Tyler, you're the best I've ever had, and I ever will have. You're the best for me, and I promise that," You say, which made him hug you tighter.

"O-Okay," Tyler breathed, "They also told me- t-that you don't love me."

"Tyler Robert Joseph," You say sternly, pulling him in front of you so you could look into his eyes.

"I love you. Gosh, no words can say how much I love you. You, Tyler Joseph, saw me, after years and years, in our music store. You climbed in my window at three in the morning and stayed the night. You kissed me for the first time after your show. You told me you loved me at a hospital, a hospital! And I told you I loved you while I was crying in the middle of the street. We cried together after you got angry with me, and exchanged 'I love you's.'"

Tyler looked up at you in the middle of your outburst, confused.

"A-And we got over your cutting together, and we got back together at a coffee shop over the phone. I was by your side when you got signed. You were the one who held me tight when I got in my first car accident. You were by my side when I fainted. You were the one who wanted my last name to be Joseph. I was with you the entire time when you were at the hospital. And now, we're here holding each other and crying. Do you think all of those things mean nothing? Nothing? Tyler Joseph, I love you and that is clear. Whatever those little voices in your head are saying, couldn't have been farther from the truth. All those things, all of those happenings and we were both by each others side. And I do not plan on leaving yours. Tyler Robert Joseph, I love you so, so much. You are a starlit sky."

Tyler had no words.

All he could do was wrap his arms around you, tightly, taking you by surprise as he cried softly into your hair.

All you could do is hug him also.

"I love you, Tyler. You are my starlit sky."

"My pretty, I love you also. You aren't my starlit sky, you're my galaxy."

『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Where stories live. Discover now