- Twenty Six -

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Loveprid  Black1967chevyimpala  hello frens

"We're Twenty One Pilots and so are you, goodnight everybody."

The crowd screamed as Tyler and Josh exited the stage, heading your way.

"Hola, pretty!" Tyler said, instantly giving you a hug.

"Ewww, Tyler you're all sweaty!" You say, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"I don't care, you're going to accept my hugs anyway," Tyler said, laughing in your hair.

Everything will be okay.

Josh came and hugged both of you, like a sandwich.

"Gross gross!" You squeaked, managing to squeeze out of both of their grips.

"I. Want. Food," Josh said, obviously hungry.

"Wanna go out to a restaurant?" Tyler suggested.

"Sure," You shrugged.

"Let's go go go!" Josh exclaimed, leading the way out.

You all hopped into the van excitedly, all happy about the big show.

It was very dark out on the busy highway, but the street lights were bright and illuminated the way. (Don't worry guys, there won't be another car crash)

Sitting down at the restaurant, you guys all ordered immediately.

"One sec guys," Josh started, "Gotta pee," He said as he left the table. (Okay josh is literally me in every situation)

You and Tyler sat in silence, enjoying your food, until Tyler said,

"What if I changed your last name to Joseph?"

"What?" You laughed.

"Well, in a couple years, you can be a Joseph."

"- Well if you want to be a Joseph."

"I would love to," Was the last thing you could say, before Josh came in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Joseph sounds interesting..." Josh said, sipping on his drink.

"Josh!" Tyler screeched.

You all finished eating, and headed into the van.

Tyler rubbed his temples, and closed his eyes tightly before he got in.

"You okay, Ty?" You asked.

"All good," He said, not even looking at you.

The van started driving to the hotel, and it stated going past some street lights.

Tyler shook your shoulder hard.

"Tyler? What's wrong?"

"T-The lights- They-They're too bright," He mumbled, starting to cry.

"Close your eyes, we'll be at the hotel soon so you can fall asleep," You say, not knowing how to comfort him.

"N-No-" He stuttered, still crying.

Josh leaned over and put a hand on his forehead.

"He's burning up," Josh said concernedly.

"S-Should we take him to the hospital?" You asked, your anxiety getting the best of you.

"That would be best," Josh remarked, taking the next exit to the hospital.

Josh quickly parked the van, and you and him rushed Tyler into the waiting area.

You rushed up to the desk, "Hi, Tyler Joseph is here having an anxiety attack and a major fever," You rushed.

"Okay," The receptionist said, "We'll call him in a few minutes."

You sat next to Tyler, Josh was on his other side.

Tyler was majorly sobbing, and his breathing got heavier.

"Tyler, it's okay, it will all be okay," You say rubbing his back.

"Tyler Joseph?" A nurse asked him in the doorway.

"Yes, he's right here," You say, you and Josh walking him to the nurse.

The nurse lead you guys to a little room, where Tyler would be checked up on.

"You two can wait out here while I go through procedures," The nurse said calmly.

"W-What? N-No I want them with me," Tyler said weakly, stuttering.

"Sorry Mr. Joseph, but we can't allow this for procedures," The nurse said.

"No," Tyler demanded as the nurse lead him into the procedure room.

The last thing you heard Tyler say was when the door closed and you and Josh were outside, overwhelmed.

"I need them with me!" Tyler screamed, "Please let them he here with me! Please! I don't want them to l-leave me."

That was when Josh lead you to the waiting room, so you couldn't hear anything else

『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя