- Six -

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Strange enough, Tyler actually ended up staying at your place.

He crashed on the floor peacefully knowing you said you wouldn't leave him.

When you fell asleep, it felt like you blinked when you woke up. You groaned, rolled over to check your alarm clock.

6:03 a.m.

You dozed of to sleep, and then what felt like a second, you woke up.

You checked your alarm clock.

9:37 a.m.

You peaked over the side of your bed, Tyler is still sound asleep on your floor.

A tiny giggle escapes your mouth, and you go sit down on the floor next to him.

You run your hand through his floofy hair.

"Pssst, Tyler." You whispered.

He hummed as a response and his eyes fluttered open, with his overly long eyelashes.

The sun rays surround you both, making the room have a very warm and cozy feel.

He gave you a tiny smile, and opened his arms. He wanted a hug.

You gladly accepted, and fell into him, startling him in the process.

You sighed and rested your head on his chest, listening to his steady and calming heartbeat.

He wrapped his arm in the dip of your waist, as his other hand ran through your hair.

"Hey, you know what?" He said sleepily, but somehow cheerful.

"What?" You said, placing your chin on his chest to look into his chocolate brown eyes.

He hesitates, but then smiled and shakes his head.

"Oh nothing, just me thinking."

You blinked, he grinned.

"I'm hungry, we should make breakfast," You said, a sense of hunger creeping in.

"I totally agree," Tyler responded.

You both got up, and headed to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge door, and grabbing some eggs for omelets.

Tyler groggily walked into the kitchen, slid a chair from your tiny kitchen table and plopped down and started scrolling on his phone.

You cracked the eggs into the pan and cranked up the heat.

"Psssst" Tyler whispered to you.


"I ha- or me and Josh have a concert tonight, a-and I was wondering if you would like to come along," Tyler said, yawning after.

"Well, of course!" You started, flipping your eggs, "But the thing is," You raised your eyebrows, facing Tyler, "You have to give me backstage pass."

Tyler laughed cutely, "Well of course, who else would I invite?"

"Mm, well I don't know." You said, putting the omelets on the two plates, and then setting them on the table.

Tyler immediately started eating.

He must have been hungry.

"This is so good! Thank you so much," Tyler said, his mouth full of egg.

"Well, I'm glad you think so Tyjo," You responded, smiling.

A few minutes later you guys finished eating.

You grabbed his plate, and put them on the counter, you're to lazy to wash the dishes right now.

You sat down on the couch, Tyler joining you.

You flipped on the TV (AN- WDBWOTV ;) ) Anyways, Tyler scooted a little close to you, a stupid smirk playing on his lips.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and you laughed and gave in, resting your head on his chest.

Tyler let out a giggle.

You loved that giggle.

You two ended up watching TV for about an hour.

Tyler grabbed his phone from his pocket to check the time.

11:52 a.m.

"Oh shoot!" Tyler jolted up from the couch.

"Mm? What's wrong?" You questioned.

"I'm meeting Josh for a soundcheck at the venue at 12:10."

You got up, and Tyler walked to the door, you waking behind him.

He was about to walk out when you said, "Hey wait!"

Tyler turned his head walking back up to you.

You smiled.

"Promise you'll give me backstage tickets?" You questioned innocently.

Tyler leaned down to your height.


He put a hand on your shoulder and kissed your forehead, leaving you a little dumbfounded.

(AN - here's a longer chapter for you all ;) please comment what you guys think!

『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Where stories live. Discover now